When I got home, I sat down on my sofa to relax. My ass was still dripping from the reaming I got from Max. I looked into the corner where I stored all of my dildos. Somehow, they just didn’t seem to be all the inviting any more. Now that I had been fucked with … Read more


“None Richer than I”—the sequel to “The Third Richest Man in the World.” The story will be posted in three parts. I had so much fun writing “The Third Richest Man in the World” way back in the summer of 2014 that I thought it merited a sequel—what happened with my impish “wives” once our … Read more

Reunion Ch. 3_(2)

Chapter 3 Cindy left early the next morning to get home, and watch her siblings. I sat on the back porch with my coffee, and pulled out my phone. “Change of plans.” I texted Katherine. I wasn’t expecting her to reply. I didn’t know what her shooting schedule was, and was surprised when she called … Read more

Egg Ch. 4

Egg Chapter 4 Jacob woke up again for the third time in the night. Breathing heavily as sweat poured off of him, he tried to calm down. The nightmares of swirling darkness tormented him now without abating in its cryptic message. Sitting up, he looked over at the clock. “Damn,” he said out loud to … Read more

Scratch that Itch.

Summer vacation after my first year at UCLA, my folks were busy travelling round the country on an extended college visiting trip with my sister. They were going to be gone four weeks and had leased the house through a rental agency to make a little money. I was pissed about it, because I’d been … Read more

My Sweet Little Marie III (corrected)

The following morning, things were a bit quiet between the girls as they got ready. Sarah was trying to sort out her feelings about what happened between her and Marie the night before. She certainly did not hate her, as a matter of fact, she felt Marie had done what she did out of love. … Read more

The Omega Project- Chapter 7

N’korra whipped her head around in surprise at the sound of the male voice coming from the kitchen. “You”, she said, shocked to see the subject of her experiment standing before her. “That’s right, me”, John said, smiling as he watched N’Korra reach for something in her pocket. “Put your hands above your head”, he … Read more

The Chauffeur (#15) Babies and a New Love DIABLO

The Chauffeur (#15) Babies and a New Love By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 I had just barely gotten out of the shower and was drying off when the bathroom door opened. There stood Darleen staring at me. She has a beautiful smile and a wonderful body. She steps into the bathroom, putting her … Read more

The Imperfect Storm Chapter 5

The Imperfect Storm. Ch. 5 (Trent just got a new job offer, but was too drunk to drive all the way home. He took a taxi from the airport to his sister’s house.) I tipped the cabbie, and walked up to the front door of Kylie’s house. She opened the door just as I was … Read more

What a Deal! Chapter 16

A reminder that this is a Non-Consent/Reluctance story. If you don’t want to read about sex where someone is put into that position, then stop now and move on. From the last story She looked up at me with her deep blue eyes. “Good answer. I just wonder if you have any idea what your … Read more

My Boyfriend’s Father III (Last Part)

The next morning, I woke up earlier than Marina so I stayed in bed looking at the ceiling and thinking about everything. I started to analyze my relationship with Nathan with different eyes, being able to see for the first time the flaws in it, and I realized they were bigger than the qualities. I … Read more

Unleashing Mary Vader

Prologue: As Mary got on in years she found it increasingly difficult to start a new relationship after the death of her husband. To make matters worse, her son Matt who had grown into his late teens and began assuming the role of the man of the house which Mary feared would cause tension if … Read more

Well, That Backfired_(1) Walls

LAURIE My brother is shy. Shyness is endearing up to a point, but at eighteen years old, it goes from cute, to pathetic. You think he’d get out of his fucking shell by now, but nope; Tom is still the awkward, apprehensive boy he’s been his entire life. He’ll be heading off to college soon, … Read more