The Bite

The call came in at 9pm one night. “Ethan, I’m so sorry to call so late! Is Kellie awake? I tried calling her first.” The call was from Kellie’s sister, Kristin who sounded a bit distraught. “No, she’s been asleep for a bit, is everything ok?” “Ummm… yes. I’m super sorry to bug you. It’s … Read more

Quit living on dreams (S4) (D4)

What happened before: Daniel is a guy that just moved in with his uncle in the big city. He can read people’s minds which makes things a bit complicated. In his new school he found Chloe, the one girl whose thoughts he can’t read. The two got together. (Pretty good story, you should read it … Read more

Daddy’s Chair_(0)

Daddy’s special chair. Britney couldn’t remember where it came from, Daddy’s chair had been a fixture in her home for as long as Daddy had been coming around. The black leather chair with the low arms. The back reclined, but there was no foot rest that came up, like the typical lazy man’s chair, nor … Read more

I Had No Choice

I Had No Choice By EFon (This is a long story and has some build up, but I believe it’s worth it to really set the plot.) What am I going to do now? I’m stuck in a no win situation, and the stress is killing me. I never wanted a complicated life, but I’ve … Read more

NAKED LEGAL 2: The First Day

CHAPTER TWO: THE FIRST DAY The next morning I stepped out of the shower, drying myself and looked into the mirror after wiping a large circle of fog from the surface. I looked at my body critically as if I was evaluating the finishing touches of a completed outfit. I raised my eyes from the … Read more

Fiona puts on a show – Chapter 1

This is the sequel to “Fiona gets a job”. After getting a housekeeping job with the Waldens, Fiona meets their dog and becomes his bitch. Both Mr and Mrs Walden also enjoy her. They then offer her a job in their company office but with the promise that her expertise with dogs will not be … Read more

VIP Foot Massage 1 – The Introduction

VIP Foot Massage 1 – The Introduction Wayne and his wife wanted a foot massage. They found the perfect place that satisfied all their needs. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these … Read more

The End of Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Somewhere in 2022 after Putin’s Russian forces swiftly crushed Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s militaries, forcing them to surrender; his wife had left him whilst they were in hiding in Lvov… Volodymyr checked his face in the bathroom mirror one last time. His lips, enhanced by collagen injections, had been painted in their sexiest cupid’s bow pout. His … Read more


I was looking for a new apartment. They had continued to raise the rent at my current place. In fact it had gone up almost 50% in 2 years. A new owner had purchased the apartment a few months after I had moved in. Although they had made a number of cosmetic “improvements”, painting, carpeting, … Read more

My lovely twin sister_(0)

Me (Austin) and my twin sister, Ashley, have been living in a small part of Missouri. We live in a pretty nice house, our parents Bethany and Chent, is basically our friends. We can talk about anything …..that is until puberty hit. Ashlehy and I started spending more time with our friends and alone. On … Read more

The Life of John Smith Chapter 13

Chapter 13 A New Year Begins On Saturday January 4th I arrived at the Logan’s just before nine in the morning. Andrea’s 12-year-old sister greeted me at the door with a hug. She was now a little taller than Andrea, but her body had yet to fill out like her sister’s. My dick did not … Read more


I sat on my porch, looking at the Garcia’s front window across the street. Windows, actually, and wow, were they ever broken. Burst out from the inside, and a piece of furniture laying on the front porch, to boot. The Garcia’s had left earlier that very day, going somewhere, maybe on some kind of vacation, … Read more