Invisible Girl (An Erotic Romance), Pt. 9

Chapter Sixteen As they continued along towards her house she suddenly remembered all her news.   “Oh Peter, guess what?” she said.  “My parents are going away for the whole weekend!  You can come over!”  She stopped, struck by a new thought.  “Hey, why don’t you come over for dinner tomorrow night?” Peter smiled at her.  … Read more

My dog Bud (part2)

After the fun I had with my dog Bud and my drunken friend Ted, I decided to keep my eye out for more opportunities for fun with Bud. Bud was my German Shepard mix dog. I’m not sure what he was mixed with, but he ended up being a good bit bigger than a standard … Read more

The Cruise 4

The Cruise Chapter 4 it was two days later on a trip around Visby near Sweden that I met Sara and Jess they were from England and were obviously “together!” Sara was 20 and about 5’9″ and very attractive with long jet black hair a thin waist and large boobs Jess was 19 about 6′ … Read more

Perfect Wife Ch1

It’s been a long difficult day at work and I’m riding the train home. I look around at the press of commuters around me and wonder how I ended up a middle level corporate drone. Back in college I had been someone. Star Nose Tackle. I was 6’4″ and just shy of 280, and it … Read more

iCarly: iHave Sex

“And ….. We’re clear!” 15-year old Freddie Benson shut off his camera and joined the two girls, Carly Shay and Sam Puckett, who were standing in the middle of the room. The three best friends had just finished their latest episode of iCarly, their popular webshow which Carly and Sam hosted and did crazy antics. … Read more

A Day at the Movies

I was out with Britney one day, and we were watching a movie together that I wanted to see. I didn’t have a girlfriend because my slut of a sister and my whore of a mom were enough for me. What’s the point in having a girlfriend as a 15 year old when you have … Read more

Captured in Ajikistan

Captured in Ajikistan Arianna, Layla, Mira, and Sandy had embarked on their risky adventure with the best of intentions. Working for an NGO aid group called ‘Hearts Healing Conflict,’ they had volunteered to help bring in humanitarian supplies to the tiny, struggling third world nation of Ajikistan, which was in the midst of a civil … Read more


Shannon looked at the ceiling thinking about everything except what as going on underneath the covers. She asked herself random questions like “Did i pick up fresh fruit from the market” , or “Did i remember to put out th fire in the fire place”. Jake licked her pussy over and over again but she … Read more

A desperate Charmeleon

A fire-type Pokemon can feel quite powerful while walking through the forest, and it is for this reason that Pokemon of this stature are expected to show a humility and kindness.. This, however, was NOT in the nature of this particular Charmeleon, for each of her boastful steps through the heavily wooded area was a … Read more

Mind-Controlled Blowjob Bliss Chapter 1: Blown

I couldn’t believe I bought this. I slid the brown, leather belt through my jeans’ loops. Yesterday, it had made my horny mind come alive. I had been so excited by the idea I couldn’t help but buy it, though the cashier seemed to have forgotten to ring me up for it. “Come on, Neil,” … Read more

My many tales: Part 1 & 2

My Many Tales Part 1 Michelle and I were talking after Science one day. “Hey Michelle!” I shouted. “You wanna come see a movie with me this Sunday?” “Yeah, yeah I would like that,” Michelle responded. Her blue eyes lit up with excitement and her luscious, red lips parted into a smile. I got her … Read more

Mom’s New Girlfriend (‘she’ had a dick)

Mom’s New ‘Girlfriend’ (she had a dick) * __This mom had made a new close friend when a new neighbor lady moved in. Mom’s daughter knew a few things about the woman, but kept quiet. The young teen brother talked to his older sister about the woman. Sis carefully started telling him about what she … Read more

The Beachmaster

I wasn’t a scientist, or a photographer, but for some reason I still liked to come and watch the elephant seals every year at their breeding colony. They really were incredible creatures; immensely powerful, graceful in their element—though I had to admit they also looked ridiculously cute when they flopped around on land like big … Read more