Murder on the Mainline: another Mike Claymore Mystery Chapter 19

First some blatant advertising. I wrote most of this eight book series in the early 2000s. Publishers found it too racy for them to handle so I sought out an online publisher. You see, I already had built up an online fan base of a few hundred readers, so I came across the German publisher, … Read more

Hunt at the Club

“I don’t really care where you live at,” the feminine voice echoed in my head. “Just turn around boy and let me hit that,” thumped and pounded, into my body. ”Don’t be a little bitch with your chit chat,” bodies blurred in my alcohol assisted experience. ”Just show me where your dick’s at,” I had … Read more

The Librarian – Part 6

Tears still running down his face, Daniel slowly walked up to Peter. “I’m not a liar, but I did break my promise. Please forgive me for that,” he quietly asked, barely looking at him. Too much was happening at once, and his mind was almost numb. “Cheating bitch,” Peter hissed, the anger and jealousy evident … Read more


It was just past two o’clock, on a hot summer afternoon, as Mark pulled himself up out of the water and onto the deck of the swimming pool. The pool water had felt refreshing after the job of mowing the lawn was over and Mark figured it was a good time to get a little … Read more


we’ve both looked forward this this night all week, me being on nights an you being on long days, we’ve really not seen each other, other than a quick hello/goodbye as we pass in the evenings. you leaving for work before i return in the mornings an me heading out to work as you get … Read more

Last 10 Seconds

I wrote this story back in 1987 (when I was 22) it was suggested I should write a story about one of my biggest fears. Note that this was written several years before marriage and kids. Last 10 Seconds It’s June 15th in a small bar somewhere in Indianapolis, Greg Smith is sitting mumbling that … Read more


— Hi Bob. — Hello Brad… what-s up? — I was wondering if you heard anything about that fellow who disappeared in Alberta a couple of months back. — NO! …. We have no idea what happened to Stan… he just walked out the door and never came back. WE are in constant touch with … Read more

A Tale Of Two Jessicas

Jessica Alba walked back to her car from the high rise building where she works. After her latest movie she had gathered all the money she had made and gotten a small office in the high rise district of L.A. She at first started by her self as an independent stock broker but after a … Read more

Sara’s Awakening Part 5

Mark sat acroos the table from his daughter and watched her eat. What the hell was happening today? It was almost as if she was playing with him. Like she was trying to be flirty but he knew that was crazy. His little girl knew nothing of those kinds of games and if she did … Read more

Vacation with the girls

Susan woke with a start. Where was she? Then she remembered the girls and her were on their way for a week’s vacation at a cabin in the woods. Of course they got lost. Susan was given directions by an older woman who told them which road to take. The directions got them lost even … Read more

It’s True About Black Men

Incredible, as a normal heterosexual white male, i never believed the rumors that black penises were bigger than ours, but i was proven ever so wrong one day on a walk to a friend’s house. Being well educated and from the suburbs, i nearly never meet inner city people, much less the gangsters and thugs … Read more

My Hot Little Sister

Since I was about 14 I used to babysit for my little sister, she was only 8 at the time so I never thought anything sharing a bath with her before putting her to bed, that is until a few years later when I was reaching 20 and she was starting to develop into a … Read more

Angie and Sara – Ch1 Summer

My Second Story since I’ve begun writing. I feel that my second go at this will be more worth you guys’ while, as well as finally being 18 and healthier at writing. (*let’s face it the first story sucked reallllly bad*) I feel this story has some butter substance. Aside from that I’ve been highly … Read more

Edward Hamilton of the Royal Navy – Mediterranean Voyages part 1

Edward Hamilton of the Royal Navy – Mediterranean Voyages 1798, Tunis Lieutenants Edward Hamilton and James Wray are sent on detached duty to the Bey of Tunis only to find themselves in command of a crew of beautiful sex slaves whom they are to train in handling a small ship. The quarter boat pressed against … Read more

Late Evenings Part 14

Part 14 I knew we had seen the last of Delia for the weekend, and I assumed that the remainder of our weekend would be as busy and dull as usual. When I got home from soccer practice late on Saturday afternoon, Judy was in a good mood. She said, “I ran into Lola at … Read more

Going Nova: A Wide-Eyed Adventure

Prelude: Ivy’s Midnight Tryst ——— Brie Nova woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of moans in the distance. Her eyes creaked apart and through the open doorway of her bedroom, she could see a faint light coming from her parents’ room. The young girl knew what they were up to … Read more