My Daughter Sally_(0)

My daughter Sally My Name is John. Nothing extraordinary, even a kind of boring but that’s what I have been named. I own a little house in the suburbs of Chicago. It is one of these houses which were built million times and you have to know from every American movie. I buyed it from … Read more

The Knight and the Acolyte Book 6, Chapter 6: Bounty Hunter Surprise

Lady Delilah – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds The ladder creaked while the wind whipped at my long, red hair. It danced about my naked shoulders. Energy burned through my body from the alchemical drink Fredagest gave me. The gnome bounty hunter climbed above me, her small body navigating the ladder with ease. … Read more

Oh no it might be heredity

Ok, ok, OK! Totally over the top, deviant and …probably deserve any of the consequences. No excuses but will lay out the groundwork. Have…I mean had been married a little bit over seventeen years. The bliss full years I could count on one hand. Still, we managed to produce two fine children. Both were born … Read more

Taking My Sister Part 3

Taking My Sister Part 3 As I sat in the decent sized wardrobe in my sisters room, waiting for her to finish her shower and come back into the room, I went over the events of the day after I had walked into the house. Walking in on my mom fucking a big muscley black … Read more

Vixen (2)

Chapter 2: “I have to climb your wall ’cause you’re the one who makes me feel…” The busy sound of phones ringing and papers shuffling filled the precinct as a lulling background noise that every officer and detective had grown accustomed to. Despite the drug addict that had to be dragged through the office to … Read more

Forbidden Attraction 1 (Revised)

The bell finally rings. Physics class was over, and next was my favorite class of all… Choir! Everyday, before going to class, I would stop in the bathroom to freshen up for my hot Music teacher Mr. Connor. I sprayed on some coconut body spray, unbuttoned my blouse to show a little more cleavage and … Read more

Best Friend_(0)

When I was younger I had a best friend, Tina. I was always a little taken with her outgoing personality. Maybe it was the simple fact that she was practically an Amazon standing at 6’0″ while I was pretty average for a 16-year-old at 5’6″, but she tended to throw herself right into everything. We … Read more

Phoenix ch 10

“Now, Katie, this won’t hurt a bit,” Dr. McCarty promised cheerfully. Fifteen-year-old Katie flinched back anyway as she glared at that wicked-looked ‘thing’ held delicately in the doctor’s white-gloved hand. “Now, sweetie,” Tanya said in the sugary voice she often used on her youngest daughter. “Frankie had his last year; now it’s your turn. I … Read more

Michelle – The Movie Pt. 1- Ch. 5

Frustrated thoughts of “almost” stayed with me as I watched Jeff disappear around the corner of the hedgerow, back into his own yard. Bother Ricky hadn’t yet left for work, so I couldn’t yet begin my private “pleasure party”, the one I’d been eagerly anticipating since he’d agreed to let me borrow his sexy movie. … Read more

Neighbours Part 3

Neighbours Part 3 3.01 Neighbourhood Sex Therapy: 3.02 Consultation: 3.03 Ian meets Aron: 3.04 Ian Enema, Hair Removal, Rectal Preparation: 3.05 Ian loses his virginity: 3.06 Ruth and the Recliner: 3.07 Epilogue: 3.01 Neighbourhood Sex Therapy: John had moved in with Mary and Sara and was leasing his house to a co-worker. They were relaxing … Read more