Mind-Controlled Blowjob Bliss Chapter 1: Blown

I couldn’t believe I bought this. I slid the brown, leather belt through my jeans’ loops. Yesterday, it had made my horny mind come alive. I had been so excited by the idea I couldn’t help but buy it, though the cashier seemed to have forgotten to ring me up for it. “Come on, Neil,” … Read more

White Picket Fence, Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Across the Lawn I wasn’t even supposed to be home that night. I was supposed to be half a country away. In hindsight, I suppose it was fate that brought me to my bedroom balcony. But at the time, fate felt a lot more like, I don’t know… insecurity? I had a four … Read more

The Cam Whore

She knew that her followers would enjoy the show today, she was desperate to earn some money, her rent was do and just taking her clothes off on camera wasn’t enough anymore. She had been losing followers for a few weeks now. She headed for the back corner of the public library, the part that … Read more

Dad’s Mind-Controlled Daughters Chapter 3: Popping the Daughter’s Cherry

After an hour of searching the internet, I could not find any match on the belt buckle my daughters had bought me. There were plenty that said “Best Dad,” but none were in quite the same style. Had quite the same shape to the panel. “We bought it at Target, Daddy,” Janelle had texted me … Read more

Neighbours Part 2

2.01 Mary, Sara and the Neighbourhood: To the daily commuter, Willow Falls appears to be a nice, quiet suburban neigbourhood. Single-family homes, well kept lawns and pet dogs playing with with their owners. Beneath the surface, is a shadier side of life. It is a community of sexual openness where families and singles meet in … Read more

Birthday Delivery

I was sitting on the plush chair by the window with a cup of coffee and my phone in my hand, chatting with my friend Ashley on messenger, when the doorbell rang. I looked up at the clock. It was 9 AM, early for the mail, but still within the realm of possibility, considering sporadic … Read more

Secrets, Fantasies, Lust, and Mischief CHAPTER I

Ding dong! I was just wrapping up my daily 1-hour yoga routine when I heard my doorbell. I quickly grabbed the hand towel I always kept sitting on my dumbbell stand and wiped the sweat from my face. I wasn’t expecting the delivery company to be ready with my washer and dryer until 5:00 and … Read more

It Came From My Dreams

I turned the water off and reached for the towel I had left for myself but it was gone *dammit* I thought my brother was probably playing a trick on me. I stood there letting most of the water run down my body gliding down my soft skin. I jumped out and didn’t bother throwing … Read more

Kelly’s Quest – Part 3 of 4

“Kelly? Kelly? Can you hear me?” I thought I was hearing my uncle’s voice through the control earpieces of the machine. The last thing I could remember I was hanging high above the barnyard calling for more pain, more pain. But now my hands were at my side. I was in a bed. There was … Read more

The World’s First Futa 06 – Futa’s Beauty Pageant 2: Futa’s First Sultry Decision

April 17th, 2047 “So you said that most of the contestants just sang songs?” Adelia asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaned closer to me. She liked doing that, getting close, her thighs pressed tight, stained with my futa-cum. “That’s it?” “I know, it sounds so boring compared to the modern competitions where the contestants … Read more

Solo Fun

Light streamed through the open window and the clock on her bed side table read 6:00 am, her favorite time of the day. No one in the house would be up yet, it was almost as though she did not have roommates and the house belonged only to her. She pulled the covers off of … Read more

Humiliating Housewarming-party_(1)

The party It should have been nice little party, just a housewarming party for some friends and colleagues. She was 25 years old and she had finally moved out of her parent’s house. It had been nice to live with her slightly protective parents, but she really desired to have her own place. Now she … Read more


Stacy wouldn’t have spent the money to add it, but when she bought her new home it was already in place. She wasn’t that into gardening, but the previous owner had kept a very large flower garden on the spacious grounds and had a large, glass enclosure attached to the back of the house alongside … Read more