Inside These Four Walls

“I just want to have sex with you.” Nikki whined as she followed me through the library. “Not right now, Nik.” “Oh, c’mon!” She sped up her pace so she was pressed behind me while I reached for a book. Pressing a hand inside the waistband of my jeans she said, “Let me taste you.” … Read more


Sexually naive, though sexually curious, eager to have a new sexual experience after very limited ‘vanilla’ sexual experiences. Though even at eighteen-years old I have a strong exhibitionist streak. I love flaunting my legs and body for boys and grown men, ” I told him. What would you like to role play as?,” I asked … Read more

The Memoirs Of Caterine DuMont

Translated From The Memoirs Of Caterine DuMont: (Marseille France, 1926-) I always find myself thinking about the warm evenings here, how the sun always coincides with everything that is Marseille…my city of light. It seems enigmatic to me (even now) that I still sit and wonder about how transcendental night and day is here, and … Read more

A Day In the Life_(2)

Before leaving votes please tell me what you did/ didn’t like. The sun rose softly, slowly over the horizon. Colleen a petite arctic fox awakens in her pent house in down town Miami. With a groan she arches her back and stretches her arms above her head. “Well…time to get ready for work.” She speaks … Read more

Sex Lesson (Revised)

The next morning I woke up next to my daughter as she was still naked. She laid her head on my breast like a little pillow it was so adorable as I shook her gently to woke her up. Her eyes fluttered a little as they opened, and she rubbed the sleep out of her … Read more


Darla (My Revisited Tale of White Trash Family Sex) She wore very short cut-off jeans and a tank top without a bra underneath. At 13, Darla was very much impressed with tawdry things and any sensual diversion from the sweltering back road life she lived with her mother and brother in their house trailer down … Read more

Tender Beginnings

This a true story, the names have been changed to protect all parties concerned.. My name is not important, but for the purpose of the story call me Jane. At 13 years old I was rather developed for my age, my budding breast filling out my B cup bra. Small waisted and a nice firm … Read more

Our liberating holiday – Part 4

The following morning we showered briefly, pressing on with a quick breakfast keen not to waste the precious time left. We drove to our ‘special’ beach, parked up and walked into the dunes. We were disappointed to find no Sarah and John in their usual spot, instead two ladies, a little older than us, both … Read more

The Brother and Sister Next Door

The next morning, just as mom and dads cars left for work, Brad was waiting naked for Lisa and when she burst opened his bedroom door, he grabbed her. Lisa screamed and laughed. He tossed her on the bed with only her night gown on and jumped in with her, pulling the covers over them. … Read more

Another Teen Story Ch 1

Carrie woke up that morning, it was a new day, and she new it would be a great one at that. There was the family dinner at 12. Then she would go shopping with her best friend at around 2. And then she would go party up a storm with her brother, her boyfriend, and … Read more

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 37: Mary Magdalene

Violet Matheson – Tacoma, WA “Leah, Violet, and Desiree, scatter!” Master shouted. “They’re after me, you might get away!” I looked one last time at Master, drinking in his form, then turned and ran as fast as I could from the wreckage. My heart thudded in terror. Behind me, gunfire erupted and I shrieked loudly. … Read more

Donna’s Lesbian Circle

At first, Donna Rayburn thought moving to the small community would be the death of her. Boredom would be her constant companion and if there was one thing Donna could not abide, it was boredom. The long-legged 30-year old brunette had fought a war on tedium since she was a young age. Her mother always … Read more

Bailey and Jade part 2

        The two woke up from their nap, and heard the door open. SHIT! they threw on some clothes, and ran down to greet their mother.         “What are you doing home early?” Jane asked.         “Your father is on this business trip, and I didn’t want to go for the whole thing.”         “Alright” … Read more


Thong Girls Chap­ter 1 — A Dirty Job No one knows where it first start­ed. Some peo­ple say they’re not sure how it will all end. It first came to my desk not quite three months ago. It was a slow news day which when you’re a re­porter like me is never a good thing. … Read more