A Slut Learns Her Place

Looking up from my computer, I realized I was alone in the office once again. There was a deadline looming, and I’d been working my ass off. But judging by the empty desks all around me, I seemed to be the only one willing to put in the extra hours to complete the project. I … Read more

House Guest (part 2)

When Linda came home from work, Joe and Melissa teamed up together to fix a great dinner for her. After cleaning up from dinner, they all took a walk around the neighborhood to help settle their stomachs. There was talk of going to nightclubs and movies, but nobody could agree on what to do. Since … Read more

The Devil’s Pact, The Tyrants’ Daughter Chapter 12: The Detour

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Eugene, OR I was thrilled to see Eugene, Oregon still stood. Many of the small towns that lined I-5 had been gutted years ago. I shuddered to think how many people were butchered by the Holy Liberation Army. It marched somewhere ahead of us. We saw evidence … Read more

Futa Naked In School 03 – Futa MVP’s Reward Chapter 3: Futa MVP Claims Her Reward

The stadium cheered. Roared. I shuddered as I watched the game naked, my left breast painted purple, my right gold. My sister bounced, equally naked and painted in our college’s colors, beside me. Her arm pumped in the air as Shelena, the futa-quarterback, fell back for another play. The Mares blitzed her. Defenders broke past … Read more

Missy Brother and Dad (6)

Missy Brother and Dad (6) ….Josh was torn between having the hots for his mom and his sister. They both fucked really good. He liked his sisters being young at 14, and so taboo, and fucking his extremely horny mom now. He didn’t think about his mom moving into the spare bedroom, that she would … Read more

Shadows in the Storm- Part 4 of 5: Corrine and Sharon Find Each Other

Next they went to visit Bill’s family in Iowa. When he went to visit his mom, Bill found Dorothy Johnstone and Karen Simpson having a friendly visit in the garden taking in the warm Sunday afternoon sunshine. The four of them, Karen, Dorothy, Sharon, and Bill, went to lunch and Dorothy remembered how much Bill … Read more

A Present for Momma_(1)

“A PRESENT FOR MOMMA” CHAPTER TWO: People at the home health office began to notice the same kind of changes going on with Momma that I first noticed when she told me about Johnny. Even though she was always fun to be around, they knew the torment that my father had put her through. They … Read more

Family Lessons 14

There was still one weekend night before the big party, and Phip and Julia decided to go out dancing. Julia called Cindy and they decided to make it a foursome and meet at the club. Even though alcohol was served at the club they picked, they would all have to buy chips for alcohol-free drinks. … Read more


“My client has offered to arrange an escort to take her to dinner, an offer she was most amenable to as long as the escort was at least ten-years younger than her. Are you available at short notice Michael?,” my agent Ada asked. “Tell me some more about her Ada, does she have any special … Read more

Highlights at 5

I’m leaving the gym and I get a call on my cell phone. It’s Mary on the other end and she asks if I could come over this evening and highlight her hair and hang out. Secure in my manhood and sexuality I agreed to it. I enjoy the artwork involved in transforming someones hair … Read more

camp rape and revenge1

Lying in a pool of sweat, breathing heavily and head spinning I looked around me to see who was still in my bed. I lay my head back onto the bed where only minutes before there had been the most spectacular escapade I’d ever seen or been a part of. My face was covered in … Read more

Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 2: Hot Daughter’s Futa-Mommy

I swallowed as I held the syringe full of the pink liquid in my hand. The cum in my pussy slowly leaked out of me, matting my red bush. It wasn’t a man’s cum. That was a woman’s cum dripping out of me. It trickled out of me, this thick flood. It felt so naughty. … Read more

love your neighbour

Charlie adjusted his outside microphones. Their main purpose was to pick up bird song from his back yard but they were sensitive enough to hear whatever was going on in his young neighbour’s bedroom. Not much recently he’d noted. If only he was forty odd years younger he’d teach Jenny a thing or two. Ian … Read more

The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales – The Experimenters Part 1

“Hey, Leah, look what finally came in the mail!” Zoey exclaimed, holding up her new F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray. The petite, studious redhead glanced up at her curvy roommate distractedly, before her eyes widened in shock at what she was holding in her hands. “Wait, is that the fetish gun thing they were talking about on the … Read more

College Sex Chronicles: Sister Hazing

None of the seasoned sorority sisters thought the shy, mousy pledge girl would have the guts to get through the intensive period of hazing. Jenny, the pledge, had a very quiet, timid voice. She was petite with a very slender frame standing no more than 5ft tall. All the sisters thought her clothes to be … Read more

older sister two

[b] That night I had the best fuck fantasies about my older sister. I knew what her body was like (6′ 180lbs) and knew how to manipulate it. The next morning I woke up with morning erection and just layed there picturing Lyn in my mind..(naked of course.) I soon got out of bed and … Read more


“Is that really true, or fake news?,” she asks disbelievingly. “What is it you talk about while he is kissing and licking your naked ass?,” she asked as a verbal voyeur would. “We talk about sex, fucking, sexual pleasure and our sexual fantasies,” I told her pleased at her reaction, determined to ascertain her sexuality. … Read more

Numbers Game

My girlfriend Daisy and I have always had an excellent sex life. Of course one reason for this is that Daisy meets my ideal for female beauty almost perfectly. She is about 5’ 6”, 125lbs with pale skin and blue eyes offset by dark hair. Her lips, like those of a star burlesque dancer, are … Read more