The Night of the Bigfoot (Part 1)

The Night of the Bigfoot Lindsey tossed and turned in her bed and found sleep difficult which was unusual for her as she normally just crashed when she hit the pillow. Tonight she had just finished watching a documentary about the truth and fiction behind the bigfoot legend. Her thought was awash with all sorts … Read more

The Redhead in the Killer Kollar

It was a little late for company to be arriving, especially on a Tuesday night, but since I’m the only house on this road, they had to be coming here. Well, actually, they could just be some punk-assed kids looking for a place to drink and have sex, but there are signs that say “Private … Read more

Boarding School Encounter 07: Henrietta’s Pussy Tentacles Molests Her Class

“Answer me, Miss Henrietta,” panted my Latin teacher, Miss Erma. She stepped back from the desk. I lay stretched over it, my ass burning from the spanking she gave me, my small breasts rubbing naked into the desk. Why does she have tentacles? I heard her thoughts echo in my head, one of my new … Read more

Our Only Hope, Chapter 09

In this final chapter, Walter, Weston and Woodruff Monty are rounded up. If you desire background to some items mentioned in this story, you might want to also read my short stories “The Society – Witness Protection,” “The Redhead in the Killer Kollar,” and “The Master of the Kollar.” Another story involving The Society is … Read more

How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 9c

Author’s note: Special thanks to A, who inspired me to write her into this chapter and to whom I owe any additional energy or creativity you may find here. You’re delightful. This is a four-part chapter in a chronologically and procedurally arranged series; I’d recommend that you start with Ch. 1 to get your bearings … Read more

Mommy’s Hypnotic Discipline Chapter 1: Hypnotized Daddy Spanks His Daughter

“Valerie!” I roared when I walked into the disaster of my kitchen. Flour covered one counter and spilled over the floor. My induction stove, set on the island counter, had something burned and crusted to the glass surface. Eggshells were scattered over another counter, the milk was left out, and the sink was full of … Read more

Twin Sister Delights Chapter 2: Popping the Twins’ Cherries

My rump stung from Lee’s slap. I shivered, unable to believe this had just happened. My body buzzed from the orgasm the naughty, American girl had given me while my twin sister, Kimiko, whimpered and shivered before me, my face pressed into her silky bush, her tangy, incestuous juices smeared across my lips and cheeks. … Read more

Rachel’s Shaved Pussy Pt. 2

I left my best friend Kirsty’s house feeling a foot taller than I went in. I was frazzled, exhausted, covered in sweat, still slightly tipsy and wearing thoroughly wrinkled clothing… but underneath that clothing, I had a nubile young body to die for, the crowning glory being the most stunning, hairless pussy on the planet. … Read more

Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 2: Slut’s Submissive Passion

I laughed with everyone else as my three bullies scrambled to get dressed. Their normally strong, dominant forms wilted beneath the gales of laughter. I had the biggest grin on my face as I witnessed Chris and his two asshole friends’ humiliation. To them, they were about to kick my ass because they thought I … Read more

My first nudist experience with my aunt – Pt. 1

My first nudist experience with my aunt – Pt. 1 Hello everybody, my name is “Tom” and the following is the story of a nudist experience that happened a couple of years ago when I was 14. Well let me begin by introducing myself. I am very athletic with dark skin, brunette hair and brown … Read more

The Rogue’s Harem Book 1, Chapter 5: Lamia’s Naughty Fun

Kora Falk – Cheyvn, Kivoneth Princedom, Strifelands of Zeutch I bit my lip, trying not to moan aloud as I masturbated in the corner of my brother’s inn room. Three fingers of my right hand plunged in and out of my silky, wet pussy. Pleasure rippled through my body, soft whimpers escaping my lips. My … Read more

The Medieval Marine Part One

The Medieval Marine CHAPTER I Luke MacDougall was stretching out in his tent during his last night hunting the Brooks Range in Alaska. He had been hunting moose all week, and while he seen a couple, none had presented a decent shot so he hadn’t taken any. This didn’t bother him any, because in addition … Read more

Dad, I Have a Question — Part 5

This is the final installment in this series. It would be helpful to the reader to be familiar with the earlier chapters, particularly Part Four. PLEASE NOTE: These are completely fictional tales about a single father, his daughter, and her friends. No actual virgins were harmed in the making of this story. Previously: Jamie, teenage … Read more

The Prophecy Ch. 2

The Prophecy Ch. 2 This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and is the start of more interesting magical twists to come. If you’re not interested in the … Read more