The Traveling Cuckold

Hello everyone this is a travel log of the sexual adventures that I am having with my husband now that we are retired. We have owned our own business for many years and have worked long and hard and have finally gotten all of the children out of our home. I am in my 50’s … Read more


In due course we arrange to have Marilyn around. My first impression is she is a class act and a still attractive size 10 blond in her mid-forties with a good trim body. We are all around the same age, late thirties and as we quickly learnt, have all lost any sexual inhibitions we may … Read more

Timelooper – Chapter Two

This is Chapter Two of four chapters. This is either a Sci-Fi story woven through a BDSM story or a BDSM story woven through a Sci-Fi story. If you’re a Sci-Fi geek who doesn’t want the BDSM stuff, just skip through that to the Sci-Fi story. If you’re a BDSM freak who doesn’t care about … Read more

Weekend Training (P1CH1)

CHAPTER 1 ======================================================================= I woke up and I couldn’t move. I couldn’t see anything either – I was blindfolded. I was physically very uncomfortable as I slowly realized I was stomach down on some kind of flimsy plastic fabric which was spread on what I imaged was sand. As I became more aware, I realized … Read more

Blond Filth_(1)

Introduction: . . . where bleak desperation meets blond depravity. Nicolette was beautiful and I had wanted her for so long. I was sure of our future and that we would be married, that is until her father, who had once approved of me, changed his mind. He said that the high society families of … Read more

How to train your fratboy (Ch 7)

Brad started awake from torturous dreams to the soft skin of his mistress’s inner-thigh. The golden glow of the morning sun illuminated the underside of Sir’s satin sheets, lending an angelic quality to her already flawless skin. He lay face-down between her legs. His cheek against her thigh; her fingers still tangled in his hair … Read more


Living with my older sister, Krystyn, at first was a bit difficult. I had just started college and my sister was in her final year at the same college. She had rules for her apartment but it was cheaper for me to live with her then to be in the dorms. My sister works at … Read more

Fisting the Flippers

As usual, after a game played against such a terrible football team as the Flippers, the Lighting Bolt cheerleaders were in a great mood. Not only did their team easily win the game, but now, they were going to “play a few games” themselves. As they easily passed through security (which wasn’t necessary because the … Read more

The need for Experience II

Wally was at a loss, the house was empty and he’d nothing to occupy his mind, it hadn’t been like this since he could remember, usually Maureen or Hazel were there, or at least one of them. He’d come back down stairs in his dressing gown after his bath, he loved his bath in the … Read more

Revenge Of The Cyber Queen

Chapter 1: Moans of Despair And Lust. As Johnny (dark-haired & muscular football jock) and Lucinda (cute petite ponytailed-brunette with a perky personality) were about to walk into the Advanced Virtual computer lab, they gave each other an apprehensive look. It was going to be very awkward working with Professor Ava after Johnny had rejected … Read more

Jaded pt 3

Jaded part 3. Jayne tentatively eased her tongue among the folds of Miss Cathcart’s sex, it was Thursday evening, she had work to do, a presentation to finish, and yet somehow she had gone from returning a set of play handcuffs to the sex shop for a refund to licking the owner’s sex in less … Read more

Come for Me, Kaitie.

Katie closed the door and walks into the living room, letting her school bag fall to the floor. “I’m home?” She walked over to the fridge and searched for a snack. Charlie walked in, tying her hair up. “Oh, hey you’re home” Katie nodded as she stuffed a muffin into her mouth. Charlie watched her … Read more

The King is Lost

Sometimes court gets too much to handle. King Teran needs to escape from the day to day nonsense, the constant bickering between the high lords. In these times he feels like a teenage boy, sneaking out from his underwater castle. Sneaking out from his responsibilities. He has done these late night rides but he never … Read more

The Photo Booth part by

The Photo Booth part 1 Wendy was a beautiful young girl, she and her boy friend had engaged in some heavy petting, she had barely been able to remain a virgin, and was left with unsatisfied thoughts and urges. Having just graduated from high school and turning 18, she had decided to spend the day … Read more

TXR-92U-2280 – Call Name: Sara – Part 2

In a society that otherwise resembles our own, mass slavery has persisted into the 21st Century. It is a common and accepted feature of public and private life. Males and females of all ethnic backgrounds are held thrall, without status or legal rights. They are quite literally living property, and may be bought, sold and … Read more