The Fowler and His Net – Chapter 8

Friday nights at the Plough had become more tedious for Gary as late. There had been no bang on the wall from next door for two weeks and the regular nights out with Tracey has ceased, in part, due to his increasingly erratic behaviour. So, he was left with the regulars, who, suspicions of his … Read more

Diary of a Pain Slut – Week Five of Five

Maddi’s Diary, Day Twenty-Five, Monday Dr. B said that he was very pleased see that I was moving forward in my relationship with Shirley. He feels that he can recommend that I be released from treatment. However… There is always a “However…” The however in this case is that I cannot be released from court-ordered … Read more

Accidental Slave

I didn’t intend to become Denise’s slave. I really didn’t. It was all sort of an accident. It even started out with an accident. No, that’s not exactly true. It wasn’t an accident that I posted a naked picture of Denise online. That was intentional, but it was sort of an accident that I took … Read more

Anniversary Surprise – Part 1 of 2

Tom was sitting alone in his hotel room when there was a knock on his door. Work had kept him away from home for over 3-weeks, but every night he called his wife, Sherry, to see how she was doing. During their nightly call she had asked if he had any plans for the evening, … Read more

Divorce, a Job at K-Mart, and the New young Black Manager Chapter three by

Divorce, a Job at K-Mart, and the New young Black Manager Chapter three This young black woman’s name is “Chandra” she is taller than Ashley and has undone her top exposing an equally attractive set of smaller, but firmer breasts and was quite forcefully pushing them against her!. She is “surprised” at how strong and … Read more

The Kidnapping_(3)

It’s winter and the rain is pouring down, an icy wind is blowing strong enough to make it hard to drive and the bare branches on the trees to blow dangerously, my car has broken down on the way home from work and I’m standing at the bonnet getting soaking wet trying to figure out … Read more

Athena Corp Chronicles – Chapter 5 – Apotheosis

SIX MONTHS AFTER THE FALL Beethoven’s fifth symphony echoed off the stone floor and ornate walls as Jacqueline strolled into the cavernous office of the president and CEO of Athena. It was a bit of deja vu for her, having walked into this environment so many times with music playing loudly over the room’s many … Read more

Tristan in Hell

Tristan in Hell “At the entrance to the cave, one must step through the the spider’s web. Otherwise, you will be caught, never to see what lurks behind it, hiding in the dark,” Orpheus warned him. “The spider will descend from above.” —————————————————————————————————————————————————– SLASH The spider is easy to kill. Weak. He had only to … Read more

Breaking In Ones New Self

The Doctor flipped a switch, and the familiar vworping sound was heard, as the TARDIS dematerialised from the planet Skaro. “Well then, that was certainly a challenge, wasn’t it, Doctor?” Romana said. “Oh hardly,” the Doctor smiled. “Defeating the Daleks is mere child’s play for me. You know, I faced them just after my first … Read more

The Champion’s Companion 21

At six and half feet tall, with heavily muscular proportions, white braided hair, full dark purple grey lips, and pale skin with odd dark under tones in the shadows Kaarthen was impressive and exotic in the city full of small, tan, dark haired southern women. Her overripe breasts the size of a man’s head threatened … Read more

Meeting Lisa E Part 11 – Playing Doctor in Holiday Island

Meeting Lisa E Part 11 – Playing Doctor in Holiday Island We had an uneventful flight to Holiday Island. I had arranged a car to collect us from the airport. The driver was attached to the group that had hired us the Villa. When we arrived at the villa, I was very impressed how beautiful, … Read more

I Accidentally Called My Boss Mom Pt. 4

I pulled up to Amanda’s house and parked the car on the street, concerned. Who the fuck is here at this time of night? There was a sparkling black Corvette parked in her driveway, in front of her SUV. I got out of my car, and Amanda threw open the front door and came running … Read more

The Kidnapping 2 – sleep deprivation

The cold winds loudly rattle against the windows as the branches from a nearby tree scratch aggressively against it, consistently banging as if to wake me from my sleep. Slowly I open my eyes and look toward the south facing window , I scowl at the branches that silhouette against my curtains as they seem … Read more

After school detention lesson part2

Part 2 Jessica stripped to her bra and underwear and asked me remove them. My hands shook violently as i unfasten her bra. I took a look at her breasts as her bra fell to the carpet of her bedroom. They looked perfect to me, partly because i had never seen a girl’s breast before. … Read more