The Devil’s Pact Servants’ Chronicles Chapter 3: A Bodyguard’s Day

Note: Takes place between Chapters 46 and Chapter 47 Thursday, February 14th, 2014 – Emine Mataraci “24” – Tacoma, WA Something wet and warm nuzzled at my breast. A mouth sucking, nibbling, a tongue licking. My eyes fluttered open, a mewling sigh escaped my lips. Sandy-blonde hair spilled across my my dusky body as Jan … Read more


He was born a six weeks premature to John and April McSweeney. They called him Christopher Allen. All through his younger years he was the smallest kid in the neighborhood, and then in school. His mother said that he’d grow, and he did. Mostly. But he was always behind the other boys in his world. … Read more

Jill’s Shopping Adventure

Jill had stumbled upon Lydia’s Leather Shoppe quite by accident and had been browsing around the racks of very unique items for about ten minutes when she was hailed by a woman standing about 25 feet away. “You there.” Jill looked around and answered, “Me?” “Yes, you. Come over here a moment. And don’t dally.” … Read more

Females rule

All his life he had deferred to females. They ruled. The Females did. He had heard stories of when it was the other way around, but things had changed. Slowly, women got equal pay, equal work, then they began to ask and get more rights and slowly men had been regulated into the position of … Read more

Wonderous Age of Woman-part 1

The rather inaudible sound of boots landing on the roof was the first sign of impending disaster that would befall the male occupants of a scientific research centre housing technology that could be dangerous if weaponized, it was the prime target for a group of terrorists/mercenaries. They had managed to swiftly take the compound over, … Read more

Rapehouse: The Beginning

Rapehouse I live in Hollywood, California, and I am 30 years old and Caucasian. I just started a criminal business last week. I bought a huge house up in the mountains. My plan is to kidnap really attractive women and keep them there in cells. And people come to my rape house, pick a girl they … Read more

The Vice Principal

It was english class, the third period on Monday morning. We were studying grammar, the difference between “there” and “their”, and other boring and pedantic things. Year 11 had started off well, but by half way through the term I was getting bored and struggling to pay attention. Being 16, I couldn’t really see the … Read more

Summer at Pond Cove – Chapter 01

Walter has just finished college and is spending one last summer taking care of his weird uncle’s cabin located on Pond Cove, a secluded area surrounded by a government nature preserve. All of the other owners, except one, have been bought out by the government which wants to turn Pond Cove into a frog sanctuary. … Read more

Lilith’s Dawn – Ch. 1: ‘Your Royal Highness’

“Yes, Farah, you are doing great today!” I sighed. The human girl lets her nimble tongue slip through my fruitful cunt, greedily sucking all the sweet juice that flows out of it. It is now one year that I put a jinx on the previously chaste, piously woman that is now no longer capable of … Read more

Confessions of a Cum Slut Pt. 3-5

Chapter 3 — Dorm Life You know what’s weird? When you go from being a senior in high school—totally chill, biggest fish in the pond, wise and sophisticated—to being a freshman in college—totally lost, insecure, minnow in a big, strange ocean. People treat you like you’re twelve years old, and you kind of feel that … Read more

De heks (story in dutch)

Ik woon in een heel klein dorp, er wonen ongeveer veertig mensen. Doordat het dorp ver uit gestrekt is kent niemand elkaar. Ik woon net buiten het dorp in een huis dat staat tussen de bomen van het bos. Na mij is er nog een huis, dat staat helemaal in het bos, wie er woont, … Read more

Lovely Tyrant

“Hey Trey, wait up,” I hear Miki call to me from somewhere behind me. I turn back toward school to see her long brown pony tail wagging behind her as she runs to catch up to me and I cannot help but get hard watching her big breasts bounce with her hair. “I got a … Read more

The Model Submissive – Chapter 1 – Brought To Heel

It was early evening on a late spring day as Roland looked out the window from the comfy restaurant booth. The sun was still high in the sky and the first hints of summer were evident in the air outside. An assortment of nature band-aid trees dotted the concrete landscape of Burger Palace’s parking lot. … Read more

Girls just want “Fun”_(1)

Candice was a lovely girl who everyone adored for her good looks and more importantly her personality. She is a spontaneous and compassionate woman who always puts others happiness and emotions before herself. She is very loving and has a silent hint of being the submissive role in the relationship. She always seemed to have … Read more

Adventurous temptations pt. 2

Chapter two A chime rang out – awakening Oliver and his wife, Holly. Holly rolled with a groan and fumbled with her phone to shut off the alarm. Oliver sat up, stretching and rubbed his eyes. He looked over at his beautiful bride as she laid facedown in her pillow, shielding her eyes from the … Read more