
They went out for Ukrainian food, which Perry had never had before, but the crepes and the blood sausage were tasty enough. Mostly, though, he was paying attention to Hilda, who was running down her war stories from the Multiple Origami fundraiser. There were funny ones, sad ones, scary ones, triumphant ones. Every one of … Read more


RAIN DANCE It’s cold and windy again. It’s always cold in Seattle this time of year. The rain had stopped thankfully, as I slowly cruised through the Pioneer Square area. Mostly home to the more seamy side of life in the greater Pacific Northwest. Drug addicts, prostitutes, wannabe gangsters, we have it all here. Yes … Read more

My Aunt Christina Pt 1

Christina is about to marry my Uncle Pat, who’s my mom’s brother. I met her for the first time about three years ago when they came in from out of town and I’ve had a crush on her ever since. I was 14 at the time and she was 27, making her 31 now but … Read more

Learning The Ropes

If you happen to have played the game “Rage” then just imagine the setting as such. Imagine this as an awesome post-apocalypse sort of thing.  —   “Rise and shine, kid.”  I heard the voice repeat this a couple times before I felt a hard punch in the arm. I sat up instantly.   “Ow! What … Read more

Down on the Farm 03

Nicole arrived exactly on time at eight on Friday night… and she was already naked. Because she didn’t want to risk being late, she had left early, pulled into the small glen near the farm to strip off, and waited there until just before eight. She felt very vulnerable sitting naked in her car, but … Read more

How Laura lost her cherry.

Victoria got and heart attack when her step daugh Laura slammed her room’s door. She was furious because was the 5th or maybe 8th times she slammed her stupid door after she fought with her boyfriend. “It’s enough!!” She washed her hands and went in the girl’s room. “young lady, how many times i have … Read more

Family Fun_(5)

Movie night happened every Sunday night for both Freya and Mariya. The identical twins made a point to get together and watch a movie or two and catch up on their week, especially if they hadn’t seen each other in a few days. And it was no different on this Sunday with the two curls … Read more


I am Sylvia a forty-five year old widow after my much older husband died almost two years ago. My parents were Danish so I have inherited their tall, slim bearing and my mother’s good looks. My girlfriends tell me I have a very good body still, good smooth skin, an hour glass figure and I … Read more

C-FAST part 2

Pete just stood and looked around at the other guys. He saw that some were starting to dress in their uniforms, but a few were standing and looking shocked at what they’d been instructed to do. “I notice a certain reluctance in some of you girls,” observed Mistress Ruth. “Let’s see if I can convince … Read more


“Lia Caster”. In the year 2098, Lia Caster was a household name. When people hear the term “household name”, they think about celebrities, politicians, and the like. However, Lia Caster was not a celebrity per se, and she didn’t give one damn about politics. Lia Caster was a mega-mind, a self-made woman who dominated every … Read more

The Carnival Pt 3

Here I am, somewhere in EBF Cape Cod; actually it’s called East Falmouth. This would be my first full week of my first summer job. I started out last week as a shy fifteen year old introverted and inexperienced guy posing as an eighteen year old. Did I mention this job was away from home? … Read more

Roller Coaster Ride — 3

CHAPTER 13 I walked into Judith’s courtroom at 11:30 sharp. She saw me, waited for an opportune time to suspend the day’s hearing, and announced a recess until the following morning. The bailiff summoned me to her chambers. I walked in to find her changing out of her robes. She took my hand and led … Read more


She a little taller than average, shoulder length blond hair, attractive facial features, inviting smile and a good body under her knee length, black cocktail dress, her heels accentuating her legs. Over a meal in a nearby bistro I learnt she had been married twice, currently unattached, and works as a P.A. for a large … Read more

My sexy dominating teacher-chapter 2 by

I woke up to the sensation of my cock being rubbed. I was cut loose from the bonds and Miss Anderson was furiously pumping my cock up and down. I closed my eyes and thought back to the pent up horny nature of last night. It wasn’t long before I felt an orgasm building. “Fuck … Read more

Before My First Real Job Ch. 02

Things changed quickly after that first spanking (yes, there were more). Elizabeth wasn’t playing around, she wouldn’t hold back and was relentless every time she spanked me. Each spanking was longer than the last and they were always terribly painful, leaving me bruised and sometimes bleeding. I don’t know if I was building calluses or … Read more