Little sis ru

“So how does it taste?” “It tastes like crap,” Ruby blurted out smugly as she scarfed down a slice of lemon meringue with an exaggerated wince on her face. She still held onto that ch!ldlike honesty but mixed it with teenage sarcasm. I expected to hear that from her as she munched on the homecoming … Read more

A Fantasy comes true.

A true fantasy come true The 1st of 4 John was home when Keith came in to work with me on his biology assignment. I told John that Keith helped me a lot. I hugged Keith for all his help. I don’t know why but Keith turned me on and it didn’t bother me as … Read more

Ranger of the north (Complete)

Chapter one Earning my weapons My father had been a ranger and his and his. I had trained all my life to follow them and as soon as my twentieth year came I left the large fortress in Blue Pass. Many went north through the pass to earn their place, I went west along the … Read more

Milf milf milf

My fantasy Hi I’m jamie, I’m 15 years old, I live in at home with my mum,dad and sister. I’m 5’11 short black spikey hair, average body and a 9 inch dick. My friend Charlie also lives in addingham with his mother who’s divorced. My story starts now, I was staying over at my mate … Read more

Babysitting perks

I was 15 and to make a little extra money on the weekends and during the summer I babsat for a few families. It was fun, easy and the kids went to bed pretty early. A few of the dads wre fixed on the fantasy of fucking the babysitter but I didn’t let that bother … Read more

The Devil’s Pact Servants’ Chronicles Chapter 3: A Bodyguard’s Day

Note: Takes place between Chapters 46 and Chapter 47 Thursday, February 14th, 2014 – Emine Mataraci “24” – Tacoma, WA Something wet and warm nuzzled at my breast. A mouth sucking, nibbling, a tongue licking. My eyes fluttered open, a mewling sigh escaped my lips. Sandy-blonde hair spilled across my my dusky body as Jan … Read more

The Bastard king Beyond the Wall Pt 2

Jon tiredly walked back into his tent after another long day in the settlement. He had broken up two major fights between 2 former minor lords of westeros, attended a Dothraki Horse race as a guest of honour and travelled the settlement inspecting defences. All taxing work. He was about done with things for the … Read more

Jennifer – Part 2

-Hey everyone! For those of you who waited for a sequel, I apologize. Life got in the way, but I’m grateful for your patience. I have ideas for a third chapter as well, enjoy!- Michael was at the gun range close by the Sheriff’s Department. He was there to settle a bet with one of … Read more

Christina’s Kitchen Exploit

I was sitting in Physics class, waiting for the bell to ring. I hated physics, I was getting a 65% in the class, and there were only four days left until the final exams. The only highlight of the class was a girl named Jill. She had amazing light blue eyes, with long black hair, … Read more

Mistress J Part Two

MISTRESS J , PART TWO FANTASY CONTINUED She was covered and crusted in cum when she headed for the shower. Hubby dispersed the men who’d made his wife a cum receptacle at his invitation. The room smelled of sex, cups of semen had a way of doing that. Ten men plus hubby and her had … Read more

Jake and Us

For years I had fantasized about watching my wife suck another man’s cock. I know I am not alone amongst men in having this fantasy based on many of the stories that I have read over the years on the internet and other various venues. I have even mentioned it to my wife more than … Read more

Memories chapter 4

My new ship was an old P&O Liner converted to a Submarine repair ship in Rosyth dockyard H.M.S. Ranpura I was only on her for 6 months an officer was drunk on duty he got me out of my hammock at 2am to clean his shoes for the parade next morning I lodged a complaint … Read more

Chronicles of a Paper Boy part 1

Chronicles of a Paper Boy by Dunchad© This is a tale of what happened to me when I was a paperboy in my neighborhood. It involved delivering the free local newspaper to my road, and the one adjacent. I never used to enjoy this round until one, rather eventful day. Usually I would deliver my … Read more

Shadow (Complete)

Chapter 1 I was born William Edward Kingson. My mother had been a maid in the Keep of king Henry. I was the bastard son he refused to acknowledge like several others. My mother ended up marrying the captain of his guards. He was the one that taught me how to use weapons and how … Read more

The Violated Virgin

Not mine… Chapter 1 The mall was crowded with students, all eager to take advantage of the sunshine and the soft spring breeze that blew gently off the river. Every bench was occupied, and even the wide concrete borders which fringed the flowerbeds were jammed with chattering teenagers, their spirits lifted by the final departure … Read more

The Wrecked Life: Mom

My mom is the best in the whole world. Ever since dad died, weeks after I was born, she took good care of me. In my early childhood, people tend to laugh at me, the fatherless kid. But mom told me it’s ok. She said I shouldn’t take what those pricks said into account. She … Read more