Modern Mage – A Hunter’s Dilemma

To all those reading the Modern Mage storyline, this happens over chapters 17 & 18 and may take up part of 19 as well. I’ll know more about that once the inspiration for 19 comes to me. I wanted to let everyone see a different perspective than Andrew’s as well as cover something that wouldn’t … Read more

allowed to pee herself

Jenny now was 12 years old. She was a slender young girl, with just the beginning of developing boobs and just a few public hair, her periods had started a few months ago. Although her body was still very childish her thoughts wheren’t anymore. She was fascinated by the discovery of sexual feelings on her … Read more

I hate iced coffee

The store was coming to a close and everyone was slowly leaving. Soon only you and I will be left, seeing you already clean up gives me hope for my plan. I make my way to order just before the last minute of the store being open. From a quick glance I know my plan … Read more

Return to the Dale

Catherine slipped almost invisibly into the sleepy northern village in which she’d been born and raised. The sun was already sinking and the midges feasted on anyone foolish enough to walk by the river at dusk. She’d left Weardale with her parents while in her final year at school, and after four years at university … Read more

Working overtime

It was month end and Steve, Niki and Cindy were burning the midnight oil to get the month end reports filed and sent out by nine. Niki leaned back in her chair, her eyes closed, her long sexy legs stretched out, and her hands behind her head causing her breasts to jut out. Steve couldn’t … Read more

Daddy and Son Cumming Together

Daddy and Son Cumming Together. As I poured another shot of crown and we shared a shot of the golden courage and looked at each other. It was normal for me to drink but my dad wasn’t much of a drinker and he would only do a few shots with me. I would always take … Read more

Kayla’s Bedtime

Kayla waited patiently and finally heard the door to her parents bedroom close. She listened for the faint sounds from their tv and knew they had settled in for the evening. I can’t believe I still live at home with my parents! She sighed. She quietly locked her bedroom door, and found herself lying on … Read more

Hanna gets dogged part 2

all characters over 18. It was several week after Hannah’s accidental sex with our dog Rocky and I was enjoying a quiet Saturday night reading a book in the lounge, Hannah, Ben and Carrie had all gone to bed leaving me on my own with Rocky sleeping peacefully at my feet after the girly movie … Read more

The Devil On Your Shoulder- Chapter 2

Part 1- The morning — James smiled as he lay in bed, holding his beautiful wife; his mind was filled with memories of his dream from last night, which he knew was more than a dream. He also knew that he now possessed the ability to get anyone to do anything he wanted, simply by … Read more

Stranded in a Strange World

My name is David. I’m an eighteen year old guy, fairly athletic, fairly smart, fairly good-looking, if I do say so myself. Overall nothing special. I had a good high school career, again, nothing special. As you can see, I’ve had a fairly average life. That is… Until I woke up in the shade of … Read more

The Rogue’s Harem Book 1, Chapter 16: The Faerie’s Pain

Chapter Forty-Six: The Fairy’s Pain Sven Falk Aingeal’s wings fluttered as she concentrated on the Lodestone. Her eyes grew unfocused, her breathing slowing, her large breasts rising and falling. Light played along the gold rings piercing her nipples. “What do you think she’s doing, Master?” Zanyia asked as she crouched beside me in that cat-like … Read more

The Travel Vlogger

The Travel Vlogger Gretchen was already regretting her outfit choice. It was her signature look, something her followers expected from her. However, the Tokyo summer was not forgiving, and humidity did not go well with denim. Her snugly fit jeans were becoming uncomfortable, but she would have to endure, at least until after she’d found … Read more

A pregnancy_surprise!!!!

8 months pregnant and Kelly was ready to pop. She had already accepted being a single mom since Jesse stormed out on her a few months back. Apparently being a father was the last thing he wanted. Kelly continued to work and prepare for her new life. With the baby coming she decided to rent … Read more

A Wedding You will Never Forget

Bradley stood at the large window, looking out at the beautiful view of the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. He and Trina were having such a wonderful time in the City by the Bay, having arrived last Saturday from Dallas.  They’d ridden the cable cars, gone to Fisherman’s Wharf, and eaten some … Read more