The Sunspot

The Sunspot Craig was waking up on a Tuesday morning, luckily he had the day off because the boss called him last minute to work on Saturday at the construction site. The job was nearing completion and they needed to cram in some finish work to get it done. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes … Read more

Introduction to sex_(0)

Apart from masturbating as often as I could, this was how I was first introduced to sex and the many pleasure associated with it. I hope you enjoy it. My Aunty Jane lives across the other side of the country so I don’t get to see her too often. You know the sort of thing, … Read more


I sighed deeply, it had been a long day. I was a little on edge, I had been working with a co-worker who was younger than me, but he pretended he was the boss. I was ok with him telling me what to do though, maybe it’s because I’m submissive. It was 11:50Pm, I had … Read more

WoW Darkmoon Happy Endings

Aroal sighed as he steered his mount down the dark path leading up to the Darkmoon Faire. The young hunters mount, a beautiful Silver Covenant Hippogryph that his parents had got him as a farewell gift, seemed to sense its master’s annoyance at this unexpected trip making a cawing sound. Ahead of him was his … Read more

Belonging to Him

The telephone rings and she instantly feels herself getting wet when she sees his number on the screen. “I want you to come over and come inside when you get here” he commands and hangs up without waiting for her reply. She glances in the mirror to make sure she looks acceptable and gets in … Read more

Desert Motorcycle Part II

All afternoon your mind keeps thinking about what happened. You have had the fantasy of being taken forcefully for awhile and when it actually happened…. ‘God’! ‘Stop this’, you scream in your mind. You are so thankful that David, your husband, is out of town. If he had answered the door how would you have … Read more

me and chris got caught

I was 15 when I first started to feel for boys, I had joined a swimming club and as I wasn’t as good as people my age. I was put in a lane with 13 y/o it was great I was one of the best. After a while I got to know a boy called … Read more

Daddy’s Mind-Controlled Daughters 1: Virgin Controlled

Deidre Icke, President of the Institute of Apotheosis Research, marched through the halls of her office building, the florescent lights flickering, the walls painted a mellow beige. At a first glance, it could pass for any office building in America. But Deidre knew differently. From here, the world would change. She’d follow in the footsteps … Read more

Tiffany and the First Jack and Jill

<knock-knock> “Yeah, what is it?” “Can I come in?” “Just a sec…” I tucked my semi-hard cock down the leg of my shorts. “C’mon in Jill.” My twin sister opened the door a small way and stood there. “What d’you want?” “Jack, I got a question.” “No.” “You don’t even know what the question is … Read more

Conquest of Elysium Chapter 02

Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be considered under eighteen years of age. With a story of this nature I will not be able to list the ages of every character or make specific notations regarding ages of groups. Please do not read something into the story that wasn’t intended … Read more

My Cousin Tom: Part 1 by

Have you ever had a friend so close it was as if they were your brother? This sort of relationship has existed between my cousin Tom (age 12) and myself (age 16) for several years. Tom does not have an older brother and neither do I. As a result, he has basically become my surrogate … Read more

A Twist of Fate 1

A TWIST OF FATE, Ch. 1 (Crash Landing) “He’s suffered a few broken ribs and a punctured lung. He’s losing blood quick. Get him to surgery ASAP!” I open my eyes weakly as glaring, white lights surround me. I feel my body moving through a hallway with two nurses and a doctor as they push … Read more

Ginger learns her lesson: part two

He pulled her body in close so that she could feel his hard cock against her back. “Just one more thing.” he whispered in her ear, as his hands slid toward her crotch. He lifted the front of her skirt with one hand, while the other slipped between her legs. He rubbed his fingers over … Read more