Christmas Gift (CAW 26)

Here it was almost a month before Christmas and I had no spirit at all. Christ, I had always had great Christmas spirit loved to give rather than receive. This year I had nothing, all my children were scattered, me and the wife had parted ways not in a good way, though we were still … Read more

The Invisible Man

Ladies…If you liked the story let me know which woman you would be in he story please. And guys what girl would you have done? Thanks–Jen The invisible man walked down the beach. There were girls everywhere. Thin ones, yummy mommies, middle age cougars. Which one or two or three he thought to himself would … Read more


Darla (My Revisited Tale of White Trash Family Sex) She wore very short cut-off jeans and a tank top without a bra underneath. At 13, Darla was very much impressed with tawdry things and any sensual diversion from the sweltering back road life she lived with her mother and brother in their house trailer down … Read more

35Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor – Final Chapter

Disclaimer: These stories are not mine all characters belong to JK Rowling. Nineteen Years Later… Wait… what? Nineteen? Why nineteen? Don’t these things happen in even amounts of years like “two,” “ten,” or “twenty”? Or even increments of five years? Why would I go against convention and use an odd number like nineteen? “Oh, look … Read more

The Girl’s Dragon, Part I

Temur felt an arm nudge his side, breaking him out of his nap. “Hm, what?” he asked, but the other guard simply pointed down the moonlit road. There, not far distant, he spied a lone traveller in a long cloak, walking towards Keystone’s gate. The stranger rode no horse and carried no pack, but simply … Read more

Marrok Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 ‘Rain is always relaxing’ thought the boy as he huddled under the sail hung up between the ground and a big tree like a lean-to. He always came here when it was supposed to rain. When he was younger he would play in the rain just like all the other children. But after … Read more

Fat dad Pt 1

Fat Dad Pt 1 What I have done with my story writing is realize that a sexual fantasy is a process that takes place in your mind. A fantasy is fiction, yet within our society there are rules that can make an act of fiction seem criminal. While normally it is only within dictatorships and … Read more

tennis week

This is my first post, this is FICTION, if it seems “real” then ” thank you” but its still fiction. My name is Marc, I don’t really know where or how to start this but since I’m sworn to secrecy not being allowed to tell any of my friends, this is about my only option … Read more

Meeting Alyssa pt 3 (final)

The early morning sunlight was the only thing that awoken Blake. His wrists hurt, there was dried blood on himself and his sheets. Damnit, still alive. For Blake, this only meant one thing; another day of thinking about his heart break. He couldn’t believe how calm and collected Alyssa was about rejecting him. She had … Read more

Breeder Girlfriend: Chapter 1

Breeder Girlfriend: Chapter 1 As soon as I opened my eyes I knew that I needed to stop drinking. The cloud like hotel bed couldn’t help my hangover fly away. It had been a long week in Vegas and it all seemed to catch up with me at once. A solid week of club after … Read more

A Really Tricky Abduction_(1)

“Abduction” it maybe not what you want But you have to accept what is served And if you harbor dark fancies My words are what you deserve ….. I’ve written my “abduction” story In a format not to every-ones taste But if you decide to continue Grab a tissue, you know, just in case My … Read more


Full In-box This is going to be a real short story. My “Inspiration” for this, is that a friend, who will remain nameless, doesn’t realize that their in-box is full, and that I can’t respond. Creating this story and posting it, is my last resort for letting them know I am trying. I’m hoping that … Read more

Cock Pictures 2

I slowly woke up with the sun finding its way into my room. I’d had a good night’s sleep and could feel a touch of morning wood. I rose and took off my pjs; I like to be naked while I’m dressing. Well I guess I just like being naked, but especially then. As I … Read more

Mom and Rachel’s Sexual Fantasy

Mom and Rachel’s BiSexual Fantasy — My Mom winked at me as she walked by my room where I stood fully dressed with a white buttoned up collared shirt and my light blue and tight jeans. I looked back at my mother, Carol, and smiled. My mom who had just walked past my room leaned … Read more

Revenge is pain

About 4 months previously my wife jenni had cheated with a friend of mine Markus, obviously not being happy about this and the fact HE told me and not her i decided we needed time away if we were ever going to reconcile. I have quite a substantial bank account and so own a few … Read more

Our liberating holiday – Part 4

The following morning we showered briefly, pressing on with a quick breakfast keen not to waste the precious time left. We drove to our ‘special’ beach, parked up and walked into the dunes. We were disappointed to find no Sarah and John in their usual spot, instead two ladies, a little older than us, both … Read more

Under a Witch’s Spell Ch. 4

As Olivia and I parted ways, I figured I would slip back to my hotel and sleep in. It was Saturday morning and I figured my opportunity to finish my mission wouldn’t come until the partiers were out later that evening. Being close to closing time for the bars, there would likely be many people … Read more

Lights Out

Antonio had his slim arm wrapped around his girlfriend’s shoulders, his hand softly rubbing at her light skin. His dark fingers made the light coming off the television screen form a shadow print on her porcelain arms. Every few moments, he would look down at her and kiss the top of her head, his arm … Read more