Gemorian Ascendant 2

Gemory, Duchess of the Netherrealms and commander of 26 Legions of Enkon, had branded me with her sigil, promising to provide me a seneschal that would give me the knowledge and power I desired. But they had departed, and for the moment I was still weak, and exhausted. Luckily, I didn’t have long to wait. … Read more

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts_(1)

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Chapter 1 – In the Beginning Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mmfff, exhib, grope, magic, unif, voy Harry Potter’s fifth year of … Read more

The Adventures Of Maid Marion Pt4

The Adventures of Maid Marion Part 4 Marion awoke lying beside her maid both of them covered by their thick riding cloaks Her skin was sticky from dry sweat and seminal fluids that caked her body from the ravishing they had recieved from the outlaws it was then she realised they were alone their horses … Read more

Bicycle tied up_(3)

[Part 3] His daughter calling to him waked Oscar up early that morning. She couldn’t exactly shake him, as she normally would wake him up. He opened his eyes and looked around realizing this was about the time she usually woke up. (All children wake up early in the morning, Its amazing.) So he got … Read more

My unexpected journey – part 7

It had been about a month since our vacation getaway and Kendra came into the apartment giddy and bouncy. She told me that she had just gotten off the phone with her parents and that the whole family was going to be there for the holidays. I had never heard much about her family but … Read more

Gemorian Ascendant 3

With the aid of my new knowledge acquired from my Netherrealms seneschal Maëlys, the preparations for my next summoning ritual went smoothly. The flint blade wasn’t ideal, but did a good enough job slicing the puffshrooms into pieces small enough for my purposes. A few rocks near the lava pool was perfect for letting them … Read more

Ellie’s Christmas Surprise

– Little redhead Ellie was alone a lot. Before she was born, her parents had intended to start a large family and bought a five-bedroom house, but most of the family hadn’t happened. She desperately wanted somebody to hold and care for. She wanted a Mom, and a brother or sister so very much! At … Read more

Behind Those Glasses_(0)

So this is my first story. Please comment everything you feel necessary and vote fairly. If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to post them. THANKS! 😀 Behind Those Glasses Prologue I breathed deep. I could not remember how I got here.. but it’s morning. I twist my head looking for some … Read more

Camping chapter 4

Ranma 1/2: Camping Fourth night Akane stayed awake watching while Ranma laid on the spare blanket, his sleeping bag being pretty smelly and all. She looked over his body. He was wearing only his boxers and muscle shirt again, which surprised Akane. She was positive he would be wearing some more clothing since he didn’t … Read more

How I Made My Millions

“The breath of the morning, I keep forgetting, the smell of the warm summer air….” chimed my radio, playing my favorite Radiohead song, as Aaron and I pulled up to the house. This was suppossed to an awesome party, there were going to be loads of women here, and Aaron and I were looking forward … Read more

I own you

I walk in the room, push you up against the wall and kiss you so hard that it takes your breath away and leaves you panting for breath… Pinning your arms against the wall, I start trailing my way down your body, mapping every soft bump and curve with my mouth, tasting every inch of … Read more

Maternal Instinct Chapter 1

Maternal Instinct Chapter 1 I just left the hospital with a pissed off look on my face. When I got to my car I crawled in and began to grin. It had worked and I was in a position I only imagined. She’d do anything now. I had her right where I wanted her. Haa … Read more

The Home Chapter 3

Melanie and I made our way down to dinner and all the tables were full except for two seats at Melanie’s table. As we walked in together Mary Adams looked up with a frown so I stopped by their table to say hello. “Good afternoon everyone,” I said. “I guess the move tired me out … Read more


They went out for Ukrainian food, which Perry had never had before, but the crepes and the blood sausage were tasty enough. Mostly, though, he was paying attention to Hilda, who was running down her war stories from the Multiple Origami fundraiser. There were funny ones, sad ones, scary ones, triumphant ones. Every one of … Read more

Possessed – Part III

Aggression had always been part of Nathan’s psyche and had led him into trouble, arguably had even led him here to his mental prison. But this aggression had also meant Nathan was a fighter. He’d taking beatings from his dad and bullies. He’d survived in youth detention by ensuring his anger was channelled right when … Read more

Sexting my son 1

This is a work of fiction and is a sexual fantasy. A fantasy is something we construct within our own minds. I am trying to avoid giving specific ages here as this could create a legal objection. Normally thought crimes are only found within dictatorships and religious teachings but our society can still create a … Read more

I Want an Asian Girl With Big Tits Chapter 3

Chapter 3 A New Family Member Jim sat on his new front porch. 4 months had passed since his trip to Japan. A month after that he decided to move out of the Apartments and buy a house. He was now in an area he loved, the country. 7 miles from the city and his … Read more