Harry Potter and the Sisters Black chapter 4(full chapter)

again this is not my story Harry wakes up unusually warm the next morning. He can feel something warm and very hard pressed against his chest while something equally warm, but soft is pressed against his back. He slowly opens his eyes to find a shock of blonde hair obscuring his view. Harry inhales sharply … Read more

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires – Chapter 21 – Malfoy’s Business Expansion

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter Twenty-One – Malfoy’s Business Expansion Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, ncon, x-mast, grope, magic, mc, spank, voy Draco Malfoy was enjoying life; his latest … Read more

The Way it is Now Ch2

The Way it is Now ch2 You seem like a good guy, thanks for an amazing night my gifts to you. 1. I didn’t drug or rob you 2.I left without making a fuss The girl in my apartment isn’t my sitter she’s my oldest I’ve taken the baby. Neither of you can stay. don’t … Read more

My Step-Daughter_(1)

Amanda was the love of my life….it all started when she asked me if we could buy some razors that were small enough to shave her pussy…I was blown away by the fact that she trusted me enough to know that she DID shave her private areas and want me to know about it…I loved … Read more

The New Recruit

Victoria Applegate reported, as scheduled, for her army induction. She had volunteered for the service some time ago, and was looking forward to serving her country. The sign at the induction center read “new recruits this way”, so she followed it and ended up in a room with eight young males who were also waiting … Read more


Ranma 1/2: Camping First night Akane sat up in her sleeping bag. She was having trouble sleeping. It happened every once in a while when she slept in the tent. She looked around the small domed structure. The supplies were at the end opposite the door, and she was one the side opposite Ranma. <He … Read more

A Strangers Cum Part Two

A Strangers Cum Part Two Early next morning I woke and stretched feeling my morning erection surrounded by something warm, I was still in Sue’s bum and seemed to be stuck as everything had dried up. As I tried to pull out Sue woke with a start and winced waking Kathy up so I just … Read more

Tim, the Teenage Part XXXIV

+++ Chapter IX: 10th Grade, Fall 1986 Part 2 – Rings of the Slaves (mc, oral mf) “Where’s Laura?” Joey asked when I reentered the showers. “She’s sleeping,” I replied. “Why? Don’t you like her?” “Yeah, I liked her. But she thought I was somebody else. We found who she was really looking for, and … Read more

House Slut 31 – Halloween pt1

Halloween Arriving at the party on Sam’s arm Tegan scanned the room with some anxiety. She wasn’t entirely sure what she had agreed to when Sam invited her, but she knew he wouldn’t have done so were it not going to be sexually adventurous. All she had been told was that she would be visiting … Read more

Harry Potter the King of the Wizarding World

Chapter One Harry had spent his whole summer holiday up until this moment thinking of his last few days at Hogwarts and what it had meant to him. It had been the best week of his life followed by the absolute worst. He had spent his last week at Hogwarts having finally admitted his true … Read more

Modeling in the new apartment.

New story. Mom modeling for aspiring son photographer. # Youthful modeling Katherine was 22 when she was asked to do modeling for a fashion magazine that came through her hometown of Chicago. Being a single mother with a son of 6, she loved being solicited with the idea while making ends meet working at her … Read more


My phone rang at some un-godly hour Saturday morning. “Hello,” I said groggily while my husband Craig lay in bed still asleep. “What’s up Christina?” It was Logan, an old friend of mine from childhood. I rolled over to look at my clock on the nightstand and saw it was five in the morning. “Do … Read more

Suzy’s Daydream

For those who haven’t been following my “coming out” thread, I’ve spent the last few months learning to accept and enjoy my love of crossdressing. During that time, I discovered that I absolutely love going out in public in scandalously short skirts and sky-high spike heels. Even better (and amazing to me), I’ve discovered that … Read more

My daughter Jill

This story really starts back when my oldest daughter Jill was 14. She was easily a B-cup and she was rightfully rather proud of them. She was already quite a tease and she was rather good at it. She would be wearing a low-cut spaghetti string top and while sitting next to her mother and … Read more