The Slave Princess Part II

Morose and unkind, Unfeeling, unheeding, blind; The winds laugh and moan; Unknowing, unknown. – The Canticle of Menkeret Night. I am alone in my cell in the house of Heshuzius. I am one of his possessions; a thing to be used, like a ladle. Or so he thinks. But I am no ladle, I am … Read more

‘Plane ride to Singapore

I sat in my first class seat on the Virgin flight from London to Singapore waiting for the ‘plane to taxi to the runway for takeoff. The flight attendant had informed me that they were just waiting for a few stragglers and that we would be off any time now. Stewardesses came and went, bringing … Read more

Family Christmas

Hearing her brother arrive Emma ran into the hall and launched herself at him landing with her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She hugged him then loosening her grip slipped coming to rest with her thighs on the palms of his hands and her crotch pressed against the growing bulge … Read more

Prom Dress

When I met the girl who was to become my girlfriend, and eventually my wife, she was only 18, and I was 22. She was around 5’5, brunette hair, slim but curvy, with brown eyes and a 32e chest that blew me away every time. It started as a summer thing, and although we were … Read more

Invisible Dead Prologue

Episode 1 A man stands at a row of complex machines, typing data into a computer. The machines take up two of the walls in the small room, which is cut in half by a wall of sturdy glass. The man is of about average height with brown hair, accented by grey at the temples. … Read more

Garth’s dilemma, Part one

Garth was popular young gentleman. His work bought him into contact with many young ladies he worked with. One such young woman was an attractive, but spoilt blonde named Jessica. She had recently started part time work in the visitor reception and she and Garth had become friendly as they met one another on regular … Read more

The Restaurant_(2)

She is dressed in a tight fitting black wraparound dress and black sparkly platform heels. Her dark hair pulled up into a high, tight ponytail. The silver earrings dangling from her lobes casting flickering tiny shards of light against her skin. He is dressed in a dark suit, crisp white shirt and a citrus yellow … Read more

Sexy Shelly part2

As we walked to the park I made no shame in looking up and down Shelly’s young body. She had pretty green eyes and a cute young face which was styled like a whore I liked her style I liked young whore looking teen girls. I said to her “do you like Billy “”not really … Read more

Meeting Alyssa

“Do we have to move?” Blake groaned, asking his mother. The house he had grown up in was now going to be ‘the old house’. As much as he hated to admit it, he knew they did have to move. With his three older siblings, their current living arrangement was too small. “You’ll be fine, … Read more

Kalla: Ch. 1

Part 1 ——– Chapter 1 It was the first and only day that I can recall that I slept in. It’s not why I remember the day so, but the day is probably why I remember that I slept in. It was her birthday. Her fourteenth birthday, and the day that she was to be … Read more

Terra tells all by

Terra’s mom, Beth Addams, a hard-working woman. Rather sexy to most men, with her huge double d juggs and round, firm ass hanging halfway out of her skirt. Beth works at the fanciest restaurant in town from 1 p.m. to 11. It’s very tiring for her. She decides to go home early for lunch because … Read more

Post Coital Suggestion – Part 3

“Honey? Remember to call the babysitter. We have that Rotary Club function tonight!” “Oh, Richard, tonight? You know how those things bore me to death!” He was putting the finishing touches on his tie as he continued. “I know, baby, but I really need you there with me for this one. I’m being honored for … Read more

my black whore

My first story so be nice…..please This is a story about the day I crossed the line. To many this account will lessen the faith so many have put in their health care professionals. But at this point, I don’t give a fuck… A little about myself, I’m tall with an athletic build and bald. … Read more

Angels and Demons:1

There is a battle for the heart in me, a battle for my soul you see. For I am the last Instinct. Before even I was created their were my people. We were ancient beings who clawed our way out of the abyss that came before everything. We were the embodiment of pure primal instinct … Read more