Sisters make good

I was 14 when I was enticed by the 18yo daughter of a family friend to expose my cock and let her masturbate me. She got me to cum and then laughed at me for being a dude and letting her do it to me – she had offered to undress and show me her … Read more

Camp (long story)

It was morning at camp, this camp was nothing like any camp anyone had ever been to, all the kids there were kids that were living rough, kids who had no parents, they were brought to the camp by the camp director aditi (old greek name), in this camp they were trained to fight, told … Read more

Martha, Martha, Martha

I felt the bed move. It caused me to wake. I lay there a few seconds before I realized I was not alone. Lying next to me was my 14-years old neighbor girl. I could her hear her quiet and regular breathing, sleeping soundly in the afterglow of our sex. She appeared not to have … Read more

“The Routine” – Chapter VI

Chapter VI Chrissy stepped back from the window. She came home from school 20 minutes ago excited about how her day had turned out, only to find that her excitements weren’t over yet. Moans and shouting came from the back yard, and as she went through the living room to investigate, she found her daddy … Read more

Chapter 1: From Rape To Consensual.

Harrison Chapter 1: I watched as 22 year old Laura Sherman exited Yorkdale Mall. She was with her boyfriend Mike. But I didn’t pay any attention to him; my eyes fell on Laura. She was a beautiful girl with very pale skin. Her hair was completely blonde and in a ponytail which always bounced around … Read more

Fantasys of a Bagger – Part 1- Cocoa and Ginger_(1)

9:45. Fifteen minutes until I would be free. My name is Andrew. I’m a bagger the the local grocery store in my small town. Studying myself in the bathroom mirror, I took in my features. I’m tall with very dark brown hair. My hazel eyes and dark hair contrast with my tawny white skin, a … Read more

Alien Seduction

Tom was sitting on his porch, drinking a beer, when he saw the strange lights in the sky. They seemed to be in a circle and they blinked blue, yellow and red. They didn’t look like any plane he’d ever seen before. He headed off into his cornfield to get a better look. Walking between … Read more

Pool Party_(2)

Ahhh summer, finally! I thought to myself as I woke up the sun streaming through the curtains in my room. It was midday, 12:00 noon to be exact and I was surprised at the fact that my father let me sleep so late. Perks of being on summer vacation I suppose. I yawned and stretch … Read more

Triple Trouble part 3

Triple Trouble part 3 Linda explores her multiple men kinks and her daughters find their own kinks along with their sisters pussies. All Characters are over 18 When we arrived home I hurried to visit my parents to tell them I would stay over at Linda’s again as the girls were now home, Mum insisted … Read more

My first gay bbc experience

I am a middle aged mwm and am bi-curious. I posted an ad on CL titled “Need Dominated”. In the ad, I wrote that it can be a man (since I’m bi-curious), a woman (would loved to be pegged by one), or a couple. Of course all my responses were from men. But one of … Read more

Tropical Island

We are on a tropical island, alone, no one is around. To get to us, they have to come by boat or by air. After a delicious swim, I came onto the sand to dry off and get warm. You stayed in the warm tropical water for a bit longer. When you finally come onto … Read more

Adam’s Apple, Part I

Ever since I hit puberty, I had harbored a desire to be with a man. Not enough to be considered gay, or even bi, but it was strong nevertheless. I never was able to get past the details of a man – the hair, the scent, the strong rough hands. So I contented myself with … Read more

The Devil’s Pact Ghost of Paris Interlude Chapter 3: The Tattoo Artist

Chapter Three: The Tattoo Artist Friday, September 20th, 2013 – Rex Irvine – Paris, Texas “Fuck, Rex, another beaut,” grinned bucktooth Hal as he looked at the black mamba I just tattooed coiled around his skinny arm. He was a greasy piece of shit, but his credit card always cleared, and he was in her … Read more