The King is Lost

Sometimes court gets too much to handle. King Teran needs to escape from the day to day nonsense, the constant bickering between the high lords. In these times he feels like a teenage boy, sneaking out from his underwater castle. Sneaking out from his responsibilities. He has done these late night rides but he never … Read more

The New Girl & The Arts of Love Pt.2

3 Leaving Willow panting and sweaty, Henry moved off her. He got out of the bed and, seemingly not at all exhausted by the intensive sexual act, got back to his armchair. He watched her closely, his eyes obscured by the shadows in the room. She looked at him and she knew that her lessons … Read more

The Dragon: Chapters 1 & 2

Many of the villagers said that the dragon had always been insane, feeding upon them and their livestock, burning fields in anger, and the Sacrifice being the only thing that would quell it’s wrath. But a few of the older folks, those of more wisdom and less superstition told another story. That once long before, … Read more

Visit to Aunt April’s – Chapter 4

Chapter 4 After the hand job of a lifetime from my Aunt April I felt considerably relaxed sitting in the hot tub. My cock was still pulsating as it slowly receded back to its normal semi flaccid state. Aunt April had yet to look at me and I wasn’t sure if that was turning me … Read more

The Photo Booth part by

The Photo Booth part 1 Wendy was a beautiful young girl, she and her boy friend had engaged in some heavy petting, she had barely been able to remain a virgin, and was left with unsatisfied thoughts and urges. Having just graduated from high school and turning 18, she had decided to spend the day … Read more

The joys of vodka!

‘Ready?’ Leah yelled. 15 year old Abbey and Leah were on holiday in Cyprus. Abbey had family out there and they had been kind enough to offer her and her friend a room for a week. Abbey looked flustered and tottered down the steps in her high heels. She looked perfect her blonde hair twisted … Read more

Serenity Valley-Chapter 3

Everyone went their own ways. Chantell and Sierra went into the den to relax and get to know each other and Dianna went to the guesthouse to clean up. Dianna took a nice long relaxing shower. Washing all the grease and dirt off. As she was drying off and looking in the mirror she admired … Read more

The Battered Lamp Chapter Six: The Lust of the Warrior

Saturday, January 17th – South Hill, Washington Christy stumbled out of Ms. Franklin’s house. She felt so dirty. Last night she had given herself to Kyle, and today she had let her body be soiled by the teacher. She reached her car, slumping against it. Her lips still tasted of the teacher’s sour juices. I’m … Read more

Harry Potter and the Sisters Black chapter 1(full chapter)

Harry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his head as he looks around the room. The room he’s in looks to be a cell, one steel door, one cot, one chamber pot, and four gray stone walls. He doesn’t feel anything unusual.He thinks to himself. “Ok, let’s try to figure this out. … Read more

The Mysterious Lana (Ch 7)

It had been nearly six months since his trip to New Orleans and that fateful night with Lana. He simply couldn’t explain it but he couldn’t get her out of his mind. What hurt the most was the way she left. After she broke the news to him that she was married, she simply walked … Read more


MY LITTEL HITCHHIKER 13-15 Part 13 I could not move! I was frozen in my bed; beside me, the naked form of Tania was stirring. In my mind, I was hearing the howling as they arrived to castrate me and then rip my body to pieces. I literally went cold as I watched this Valkyrie … Read more

DNA 2 Chapter 1

Cold and discomfort welcomed Paul as he struggled awake. Outside, dawn was breaking. Stiffly, he sat upright and watched the sun clear the hills on the horizon. As he got up he felt an unfamiliar weight on his chest shift. His eyes drifted over his large, firm breasts. He had hoped that it had all … Read more

That Wasn’t in Her Description_(0)

That Wasn’t in Her Description Jeff was upset. His parents were leaving on a week trip and he had to have a babysitter the whole time, 24/7. “Jeff, get down here,” called his mom from downstairs. “Come meet Brittney.” ’Ugh,’ thought Jeff. ’This is going to be a long week.’ Jeff slumped down the stairs. … Read more

The Milk Slave

Marie sat on the narrow cot, naked, trying to cover her rather large breasts with her hands and not doing it very successfully. The two young men standing in front of her were fully clothed, which made her feel even more vulnerable and exposed. “Move your hands, girl. The master has ordered six hours of … Read more