Solomon’s Daughters: Megan’s Chapter

Author’s Note: To answer several pm’s I am not going to stop writing Solomon’s Daughters or Fall of Paradise series. Last weekend I didn’t have time to write one for SD so I didn’t post one. I am currently writing a story for a few of my friends so until that is finished the FoP … Read more

Mind Reading

Just a short story I’m trying out, if it’s liked, I’ll write a few more parts to it. As always, constructive criticism welcome. If you find out mistakes, point them out and I’ll try to fix them. Thank you, enjoy. —– Edited ———— What to do when you can see the unseen, when you can … Read more

Team Photos 3: Caitlyn_(0)

Team Photos 3 – Caitlyn What was that? I was still riding the waves of bliss after cumming so hard, but I could swear that I saw the bathroom door closing. Did Alex just come in? Was he watching me? That dirty perv! Can’t a girl get off in private? I didn’t know whether to … Read more

The Dorm Room

Brie Carson was cute in the nerdy kind of way she was about 5’7” with long auburn hair pulled into a pony tail that hung to her lower back. She looked out at the world through eyes of jade behind thin framed glasses. Her slender body was covered by a loose fitting t shirt and … Read more