Stranded In A Strange World – Chapter 2_(2)

I don’t know why I suddenly woke up, and I don’t know how I reacted so quickly, but I’m glad I did. I opened my eyes as soon as I heard the sound. It came from behind us. I jerked my head back, trying to see anyone, and I saw something approach me. It was … Read more

The Chronicles of Suzie’s Descent – part 1

The Chronicles of Suzie’s Descent The following story is about 20% true. I’ve obviously changed the names of the people involved. This is a collection of real events, fantasy and experiences that I really wanted to happen. I’m certainly not a writer; so please forgive the typos and/or mistakes. If you like what I’ve written… … Read more

The Change Room pt 1

The day it happened, I was hanging around the Rockwell’s yards, doing some lawn care. I worked maintenance for them for about 5 years now, more because I knew old man Rockwell than because of any landscaping abilities I have. It gave me a chance to hang out with the rich set, and generally enjoy … Read more

Harry Potter “That” Need Part 4

Hermione knew it was too late to hide, so she sank back onto the bed as Harry found his legs and moved forward into the room, an uncharacteristically teasing smirk blooming on his handsome face. “We’re not alone, Ginny,” she whispered, just as Harry rested a hand gently on top of Ginny’s head, causing her … Read more

First my boss and then the receptionist

I had just gotten back to the office from a late lunch meeting with a senior client and was quiet please with how everything had played out. I was sure the deal was final and we were guaranteed some additional business here on the west coast once all of the paper work was signed. I … Read more

Magical Hearts: Chapter 15

During our last chapter, the allies had victory over the dark men and drow from Izmira and their allies. The three races had gathered and combined their strength for their first victory. Now time is against them, they have nearly a month to ready themselves against a far worse onslaught. The Army of the orcs … Read more

The Raping of Tessa and Laurie

Chapter One Sighing quietly, Tessa looked around as she shut her Psychology book and stretched. Looking around the library, she couldn’t believe she had been in there for 6 hours studying nonstop from English to her Special Education class to History then Psychology. Tessa was a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin and she hoped … Read more

Magical Hearts chapter 5

I held Isabel’s hand as I heard the beginnings of Justin’s magic, I had time to grown but not much more than that before I am awaken in the morning. The Wedding Day: Chapter 5. Isabel is kissing my hand. She says to the curtain, “That was the longest night of my life, even with … Read more

Icy’s Age of Lesbo Discovery

Hi my name’s Icy. I’m a mean fourteen year old lesbo. Like sometimes this hot, straight chick will come up to me at a party and ask point blank, “Uh, hay Icy when did you like become a lesbian?” Of course I sometimes ask myself the same question, I ask how it happened or when … Read more

Inner Bitch Emerges

She met him in the bar about 10 minutes after the appointed time. She liked keeping them waiting, liked the feeling of power it gave her to see the look of relief when she did arrive. She was wearing a simple outfit, and she could see the relief mixed with some disappointment on his face … Read more

I love my horse

“Hey Sophia, come here for a sec!” My bestfriend Mason calls out to me. “In a sec!” I yell back. I walk into a the barn. Mason has a sly grin across his face. His expression is evil. His dark eyes show trouble. “What?” I ask. Hes standing next to one of my best horses. … Read more