Friday Nights 1: Rekindling Love

It’s Friday night. The football game is over. Everyone is racing to their cars. Ryan has got other plans. He walks down the bleachers, first checking up with Kolby, his close friend that is a cheerleader. “You headed to the barn?” “Sure am.” Ryan heads over to the huddle of football players, not before watching … Read more

Sexual Compulsion Out of Space

I pulled away from the telescope momentarily to consider my sanity, and realised that I was quite hungry; it had only been six hours since I ate a truly hearty steak–the last one my freezer was stocked with–but the rumbling could not have been a lie. I abandoned the balcony to arrive almost immediately in … Read more

Dog Who Owned Me

My life changed on a Friday, just after I’d turned eighteen and recently moved into a new life. That’s how I liked to think of it. After leaving the modest village where I’d grown up, I’d moved to the modest town where I’d be attending community college. I wanted to be a graphic artist or … Read more

Babysitting Mya: Momma Love

Babysitting Mya: Momma Love Can I come over to your house later ? I ask Mya “no, my mom parents will be visiting and they do not like lesbians or gays at all” Mya says as we stop in front of her house. Mya kisses me goodbye and head up to the door and enters. … Read more

a night to remember_(9)

The clock strikes midnight. I am lying in my bed, thinking of everything and nothing, the thunderstorm outside adding an eerie ambience to the whole scenario. The door creaks open. I look up, surprised at such a late night intrusion. The harsh winter manages to lull everyone into sleep but somehow this intruder has managed … Read more

Babysitting Mya: Mom Peeps In

Jessica: Monday went by slowly, I was in chemistry class starring down at my book while our teacher talks about boring stuff when I hear the class door open. I look up to see Mya “class meet Mya Jefferson she’s a tenth grader, she’ll be in our class for the rest of the school year … Read more

“The Extinguishing Sister”

“I’m taking the car,” Cindy said, picking up the keys off the kitchen counter, as her twin sister Vanessa was right next to her, looking into cupboards for food. “I just got called in to work. Someone got sick, and they asked me to fill in.” “What?” Vanessa asked, slamming the cupboard. “You can’t do … Read more

The Fire Brand Outcast

1. “The Priest Hydra is in the clearing up ahead, it appears to be rather large.” The hunter informs me softly patting the head of his soul bound hawk. Priest Hydras are nasty things, they have a body like a lizard, six snake like heads that have hoods that look like the hoods of a … Read more

The Fire Brand Outcast, Chapter 2

“Again.” I shout finally able to finish my sentence. I hear gasps from all around me, I look around to see that we are outside the gates to the capital. The faces of people, merchants and families glance at me before noticing Aodh at my side and quickly looking away and hurrying off into or … Read more

Babysitting Mya:Mya first time

A couple of days went by and all of could think of was Mya. I thought of her in school, when my bestfriend took me home or when my besfriend and I would go out. When Friday came it was a teacher work day so the Jefferson’s told me to come over after two. They … Read more

And The Dog Made Three PT2

Chapter 2 Tracy lazily slid her foot down the Great Dane’s flank and under him, rubbing her instep up and down the length of his huge prick. Her dark eyes widened with delight when she felt how hard and hot his cock was. She had been thinking that she had ought to jerk the doggy … Read more