Missy Likes It – Chapter 04 of 05

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in … Read more

Meat Girl Part 3

Tracey couldn’t believe what she’d just heard and she watched Emily walking off with a growing sense of panic. What was going to happen now, she was still tied and helpless and naked and even worse she couldn’t even speak, she wasn’t sure anyone would believe her now if she did manage to say anything, … Read more

Introduceing the Spartan Spitter

Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughter’s disregarded your rules and ran out again, you wish there was some way to spit and process them without spending a fortune, flipping though TV channels at 2AM looking desperately for something interesting to watch and being … Read more

Jessica’s Thanksgiving Feast

Jessica came down from her room on Thanksgiving morning not bothering to dress since nudity was common in her house, she was expecting to find her mother busy in the kitchen cooking up the traditional Thanksgiving turkey-girl they got from hill’s every year but when she entered the kitchen her mother was not there, the … Read more

Santa’s Perverted Helper ( or Susie Learns What Happens To Naughty Girls )

Santa’s Perverted Helper (or Susie Learns What Happens To Naughty Girls) By rutger5 (An original story-copyright 2012) “Would you keep up you little brat. Really Billy you’re impossible sometimes. If it’s not bad enough I have to walk you home everyday instead of going to the mall with my friends you always have to be … Read more

2 Slutty Sisters Part Two – Being Daddy

I woke up early the next afternoon to my phone buzzing from a new text message. I remembered the events of last night in a dizzying flash and I quickly swiped into my phone, eager to find out which of my two little sluts it was from. The message was from Rachel: “Daddy’s leaving in … Read more

The Sixth Prince – Part 2

Because of all the positive feedback, I’ve created a second part! Thank you to all those who commented and/or gave a positive rating! And, if I continue to get such encouraging results, I’ll begin to write a third part as well. If you have any suggestions or advice, please leave a comment and let me … Read more

Stepford Meat Swap

As the car pulled into the driveway Jessica ran out wearing nothing more then a tight white t-shirt and pink panties to meet Steve her father as he stepped out from the driver seat and right into her open armed hug, “Welcome Home daddy!” Jessica exclaimed as her father leaned in and placed a kiss … Read more

The Ghoul’s Wedding

“The gruesome ghoul, the grisly ghoul, without the slightest noise, Waits patiently beside the school, to feast on girls and boys.” -“The Ghoul,” Jack Prelutsky *** The first time the Night People came for Amina she was six years old, and it was Valentine’s Day, and also her birthday. She stayed up late that night … Read more

Jessica’s Capture – Part 1 of 10

Part 1 – Jessica’s Capture We start here in the bedroom of Jessica A young girl who just recently turned 18 years old, being a newly registered alternative meat girl Jessica knew that one of three things would happen to her, either her number would be called or she would be picked up off the … Read more

Lesbian desires 3_(1)

Part Three The Further Training and Breaking of A Sex Slave Jess feeling quite content in the enslavement of her former coworker Carrie continues her sexual, and mental onslaught, and soon a sex slave is born, these are the chronicals of a depraved lesbian making fantasy into reality, and the horrors that follow. Jess walked … Read more

Cheerleader Sale

Cheerleader Sale Short synopsis for the story: A Cheerleader is kidnapped and prepared to be sold into slavery Story codes: M+/f, Teen, BDSM, Slavery, NC, Heavy Eighteen year old Mandy found herself being dragged by her hair into the room built to resemble a large medieval torture chamber. She struggled and fought, but the more … Read more

Diary of a Slave Merchant – 2007

I’ve finally decided to do it. I’m going to abduct a young girl and train her as a sex slave. For those interested, the following is some background on me, my life, and my motivation for doing this. My name is Edward. I am in my 40’s, married to a very nice and attractive woman … Read more

Roses are red_(2)

“There is a striking resemblance between the act of love and the ministrations of a torturer.” -Angela Carter *** “Why does the wolf eat Grandma first?” The question floated out of Angela‘s mouth before she realized what she was saying and hung in the air, pregnant with possibilities. Nicolas wiped his mouth with a red-checked … Read more

The Slaver’s Retaliation

Story contains raping, humiliation and degradation of female characters. Read at your own risk. If you do not like this particular genre, please don’t read it and then dislike it for being too disturbing for your taste. You have been warned. Please judge my writing based on the prose, plot, language, character development, etc. Criticisms … Read more

Father’s Day Roast

“Mom?” Jessica called out as she was coming down the stairs from her room wearing nothing more then a thin T-shirt and a pair of red silk panties, “Yes dear” her mother replied as Jessica entered the kitchen, “Father’s day is coming up soon, what should I get dad” Jessica asked as she opened the … Read more

The Sixth Prince – Part 4

Thank you to all of my dear fans for your support and patience! I have disabled comments for my other stories because of repeated ads, although I will leave the comments for this story open for two weeks (until December 9th, 2014) and possibly longer. And, as always, if you have any feedback or suggestions, … Read more