The Terror of the Incubus

What is it about the night that amplifies our fears? Perhaps it is a primal instinct, born in a time when our ancestors huddled in caves for protection against noctural predators that posed a real and tangible threat to their very lives. Perhaps it is the darkness, a neutralizing of our primary sense that turns … Read more

Bk 2, Ch 1: Interlude

Chapter 1: Interlude Alena experienced life in fits and spurts as she slipped in and out of consciousness. One second a vaguely familiar man stood over her, the next, she felt herself being carried. She heard strange voices, muddled as if she were underwater. Something tugged at her, and she was vaguely aware of someone … Read more

Boy Stud-7

I could tell that Greta wasn’t happy, even though she really didn’t say anything. Dad and I both ate two big, heaping-helpings of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, and he also gave me my first full cup of coffee, rather than letting me have little sips of his. After Dad had sent Greta downstairs to … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 27)

Chapter 27 TWO WEEKS LATER, AGAIN Claire couldn’t believe how different her life had become since she started working at Titcage. Everything she did was different now, and yet she was used to it. Two weeks had passed since her parents had broken up, and she had now completed all the requirements for S grade, … Read more

My Amazing Mason 3

Weeks and weeks went by and I was doing so so good with my therapy and stuff. I got to hear from Mason a couple of times a week and I got to talk to mom a few times a week. It got to where I knew when Mason was going to call me and … Read more

14Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter Fourteen: Places a bra… err… abroad. Disclamer: Not mine, I own nothing. I’m not making any money WARNING: Harsh Language, adult themes, sexual situations (i.e. smut), bad spelling and grammar. Author’s Notes: This story is a broad farce with over … Read more

Circus if Darkness 2

Dahlia ran through the house screaming. Wearing a grey blouse and a matching grey miniskirt with a pair of white running shoes the blonde girl screamed in horror having just seen her boyfriend, Tim, stabbed repeatedly and torn to prices by undead monstrous clowns. Now she didn’t know where she was running. She didn’t care. … Read more

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

Proudly presenting my third work! It’s the sequel to my first story ‘What comes around, goes around…’ Yes, indeed: Alex hasn’t seen the last of Ryan just yet. This story contains violence, rape and certain other themes (which I can’t disclose to protect the surprise elements in the story) which might be offensive to people. … Read more

Vampire Seduction 3

With rage still pulsing through his body, he glared at the nurse. He now had all the answers to the feelings he had be experiencing. Where the answers came from he did not know but, he understood what his purpose was now. He was a killer, nothing more, a blood sucking, life taking, night walking … Read more

Special Bond-Long Weekend at the Lake 17-20

A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . … Read more

The Wolf Next Door Chapter 4

“Vance.” There was that name again. A woman calling and interrupting my focus. Why did she bother me? Couldn’t she it was there in the field? I could. Two ears sticking up. It bounced around alert to the possibility of the hunter. The possibility of me? I don’t know. Blood pumped through its body and … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 33)

Chapter 33 CLAIRE’S NEW BODY That week Michael told Claire that she would be being taken out of the office for a week for a special project, and so would Slutkitten and Cuntcandy (Claire’s sister Steph). Claire wanted to know what, but she couldn’t talk with a mouthful of Michael’s cock, so she just waited … Read more

The Sixth Prince – Part 3

As I had promised, here is part three! I did not fully proof read the entire story, so I apologise for any errors. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, please let me know! I love hearing from my fans! Enjoy! <3 linky_fangs The Sixth Prince – Part 3 As the doorway was unlocked … Read more