trip to walmart

Crissy wasn’t thinking, she was trying to do a number to things and she just had her tight tee shirt and loose shorts no panties when she hoped in the van to go to Wal-Mart. The kids would be fine, her oldest is 14 and keeps and eye on the other 2 all the time. … Read more

Twelve Days a Slave 8 of 13

This is the story of a young woman’s conviction as a terrorist and what happens to her when she is sentenced to penal slavery. Penal slavery is not impossible. The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America do NOT prohibit slavery. They only LIMIT slavery to punishment for crimes. … Read more

Bane of the Huntress part 1

Bane of the Huntress Its hard being a son of Artemis. First, there is the fact that my mom was supposed to be an eternal maiden and not be with men. Second, because my mom pledged eternal maidenhood, I am the most powerful hero ever. Maybe I should explain. My name is Michael West, and … Read more

The director of Buenos-Aries

The prerogative of backpackers is the freedom to roam. Unlike the normal tourist the backpacker independent and usually young and exuberant lives on their wits. A discussion at a bar between travellers or that last minute cancellation of transport can lead them on a constantly flowing river of new and unexpected experiences. It was in … Read more

African-American Studies Part 2

Malcolm gripped his tea cup, his hands shaking with rage as he watched the morning news. He had to do his best to control his anger enough to remember to hit record; it would certainly make a special treat. He was, in a way, glad he had caught it. He had intended to play it … Read more

He told Me not to tell

Byron heard angry footfalls coming down the hallway. Krista was lying on the bed naked from the waist down. Byron opened the window and quietly crept out of the window without making a sound, he put two fingers to his lips making a be quiet sign that only Krista understood “meaning don’t tell”. As Byron … Read more

S.S.Shotguneagle (Part Three)

“Pathetic!” Kenny yelled. He yanked the whip off her neck, leaving Leah gasping for air. Leah writhed in despair as she welcomed more air into her lungs. It was difficult to soothe her aching neck. All she could do was wait for the pain to go away and sob. Kenny tossed the whip to the … Read more

The appetite of Charles Faul

Charles Faul continued to monitor the road for awhile after the delivery was made and the truck was long gone.Squinting into the relentless rain as he watched the road that ran through his vast estate.The road was quiet.His worst nightmare now would be to see a line of flashing police cruisers closing in on him.No … Read more

.I Hope You’ll Get Addicted.

Excuse me fella, but you look like somebody I can trust…and I need a little bit of help here. Me, I love raping some bitch more than anything. I love sticking it to them. Ramming my thick hard, thick 12 inch cock into some unwilling ass and pussy is the greatest thing in the world. … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 37)

Chapter 37 PROSTITUTION It took ten days after Sluthole’s visit for home urine tests to show that Claire was pregnant. Steph’s test showed positive on the same day. The two girls burst into tears as they looked at the little “plus” sign on the test sticks, knowing that their dreams of somehow having a child … Read more

Spending the summer with amy

Amy was the top girl at school she was rich young and beautiful but she had a dark side also that only her and a few friends knew about but her she was a vampire so were her friends they were going to take a road trip to alaska but the only thing they were … Read more

the snuffer

not a mine story but one of the best i found …enjoy WARNING! This story contains detailed descriptions of very cruel tortures and murder of a teenage victim. I insistently recommend you reading it ONLY if you are really interested in the things like that. I am not going to accept any complaints or disapproval … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 5: A Dirty Business

Chapter 5: A Dirty Business The sun had just risen in the sky. Zavala was ours. My plan had worked flawlessly. The townsfolk had behaved like cattle, and we’d herded them with ease. As I’d predicted, the arrows and our vicious charge had broken the enemy defense. Most of the townsfolk had fled towards the … Read more

Ashley’s first hair – part 1 by

It all started when my wife told me that our daughter got her first pubic hair. We were lying in bed ready for sleep. “But she’s only 9.”, I said. “Yes, I also got my first pubic hair at 9 or 10. And got my period at 11.” My wife replied. “Do you think she … Read more