Texas dildo masscare (part3of4)

The sheriff had seen enough inside the mad farm house. He reached the porch door and took a deep breath of the afternoon air. In his time he had seen many sights but those devices down in the cellar made his heart pound with disgust and morbid sexual fascination. “Jesus!” he coughed to himself leaving … Read more

A black cock for mom

Kate Smith was an average woman leading a perfectly happy average life. She was an attractive looking 36 year old mother of a 16 year old son and two twin daughters, aged 14. Time had been gentle to her, as her 5’6’’ frame remained petite and her face clear of most wrinkles. Her hair was … Read more

Jordans sex Sequal prt 5&6

~The Next Day As I was putting on some clothes jake asked me where I was going. I told him hunting… He said okay and jumped in the bed and turned the T.V on to his favorite show. CSI. I hoped out the window and landed swiftly on the ground. I jogged into the forest … Read more

Strip Poker 2000 Part 3

Ok Peoples 🙂 Told you I’d get it out by the first week of July. Im early with it. Mostly because my brains deciding to work against me with my hectic life so yes, I just left it open with a “To be continues…?” No Idea why I put the ? its going to be … Read more

Tracey – The Police Incident

This is a fictional story of the rape of 24 year old Tracey, a busty raven haired beauty as she was travelling home after a party at a friend’s house. The story contains scenes of violence, cruelty and rape. Please be warned. This is the follow on from Tracey – The Garage Incident I welcome … Read more

Lovely Intruder part 3

My body trembled and my mind raced as I saw Will walk towards me. His gaze felt so powerful over me; at least Sir’s was gentle some of the time. What I saw in this man’s eyes was a very strong urge to control and take what wasn’t his, along with a burning passion for … Read more

A Twist of Fate

A Twist of Fate It’s funny how, in an instant, one’s entire programming can be shifted. Given the right circumstances, everything that you’ve ever believed, everything that you’ve fought, feared, and resisted can be twisted and morphed into the thing you crave the most. Such was the case with Taja Crawford, who took a frightening … Read more

Rooms of Horror and Delight room 3

“So, I see you enjoyed yourself last night” Jennifer sat up with a really bad headache. She looked around, taking in her surroundings. She was in another room with stone walls and a single light on the ceiling. But now there was a table in the room. And when she took a closer look, realized … Read more

Seregech; the Beginning

“SHUT UP!” Hissed Alexandra with a panicked expression “I hear something” Rayne and I looked around cautiously, holding our breath, preparing for what we were sure would come next. Rayne had tears brimming her eyes, while Alexandra just looked angry, and determined. I, on the other hand was reaching silently towards my belt, searching for … Read more

Diary of a Pain Slut – Week Five of Five

Maddi’s Diary, Day Twenty-Five, Monday Dr. B said that he was very pleased see that I was moving forward in my relationship with Shirley. He feels that he can recommend that I be released from treatment. However… There is always a “However…” The however in this case is that I cannot be released from court-ordered … Read more

The Office Junior – Part 11

Stefan and Willem’s apartment was in the student area of the city. The large warehouses and factories of the old port district where we caught the taxi changed into the built up granite edifices of the modern city. Bright yellow street lights marked the roads as they crisscrossed through concreted plaza’s which hosted fountains, bench’s … Read more