
My name is Mary I am 18 years old and this is my story… I was walking home one day from my friend Amy’s house it was about 9:00 pm and I was walking on the sidewalks in my small development. And as I passed a lamppost I heard a noise from behind me and … Read more

My Dear Sweet Slave: Chapter 3

Chapter Three “Just a tad bit more,” Isaac said. Holly lowered the gallon bottle of milk over the bowl of Raisin Bran, letting a small white splash soak down under the brown flakes. “Perfect, just like that. Now, onto Cheerios…” It was an interesting scene taking place in Isaac’s kitchen; it was like he and … Read more

rape in afghan3

The march was like a nightmare for Cathy. Stunned by the blast, she initially did not know where she was or who these men around her were. She allowed herself to be half carried, half dragged up the ridge and then down a valley to another steep ridgeline. Her senses returned only slowly. At first … Read more

Aria’s New Life Pt. I

Aria I wasn’t supposed to be working that night. As usual, I was nice and took one of my coworker’s shift; I didn’t have a life outside of this place anyways. More money for me and less I would have to worry about later for my one-bedroom apartment that cost me an arm and a … Read more

Happy power gaping metaphor

Happy power gaping metaphor So the story goes that Rochelle came over around 6:30 to my off campus apartment to study for our english exam on Wednesday. I was always nervous around Rochelle. She was about 5’4” with ample C’s, dirty blonde hair that fell down on her shoulders, blue eyes, unblemished olive colored skin, … Read more

Rape and The Highland Fling! by

Rape and The Highland Fling! Tessa and her husband attended a special ‘Dance Night’ event called the Highland Fling!. They belong to a dance club called the Highlanders The club rents places to hold dances all over the south of England and has rented an old dance hall in Brixton, it is in a questionable … Read more

ltttle girl slut_(11)

I met my girl friend at a strip club she was the main attraction she called her self sissy, she was petite only 4’11 long blonde hair she would always wear in pig tails. she was pretty but had no tits, I didn’t mind her tight cunt and hard round ass made up for that … Read more

Good Meat

“You stupid bitch, what did you expect?” I punctuated my words by slapping her hard across the face. She sat there on the floor, dressed in her tight white t-shirt and short-shorts, her legs tucked under her body, and gave me that same idiotic look. A look like she didn’t really comprehend what was happening … Read more

Rebecca’s new friend

I was on my way home from work when Rebecca called me and told me she had a delightful surprise for me. I was thinking she made me my favorite dinner, but then I laughed to myself because Rebecca rarely cooks. She is a strong and independent woman, a tom-boy maybe, but definitely not a … Read more

wolves in the forrest part 1

My name was Samantha, but my close friends called me Ama. Not sure how it started, because I didn’t start it but one of my friends did back in junior high and it stuck. Anyways, I’m Ama and I have a story to tell. See, right now I’m basking in the moonlight, in the middle … Read more


I have always been really involved in theater. I don’t act, and my specialty is costumes and make-up. I’d never considered myself feminine until I went off to University when I was 19 years old and met my new theater professor, Mr. Kean. He was a big guy, about 50 years old with black and … Read more

Plant 42

Jill Vinston wandered the halls of the Walace state Guardhouse. She hadn’t been able to find any of the other X.P.Q.R members since first arriving in the mansion, and she was starting to worry that she’d never see any of them again. There were still more locked doors in the house, but she didn’t have … Read more

ltttle girl slut_(1)

I met my girl friend at a strip club she was the main attraction she called her self sissy, she was petite only 4’11 long blonde hair she would always wear in pig tails. she was pretty but had no tits, I didn’t mind her tight cunt and hard round ass made up for that … Read more

ltttle girl slut_(12)

I met my girl friend at a strip club she was the main attraction she called her self sissy, she was petite only 4’11 long blonde hair she would always wear in pig tails. she was pretty but had no tits, I didn’t mind her tight cunt and hard round ass made up for that … Read more