29Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter Twenty-Nine: Showtime at Hogwarts! Disclaimer: Not mine, I own nothing. I’m not making any money. WARNING: Harsh Language, adult themes, sexual situations (i.e. smut), bad spelling and grammar. Author’s Notes: This story is a broad farce with over the top humor (a good deal of it is … Read more

Gray Jedi Ch. 1

Greetings, readers! I had so much fun writing my recent Star Wars story, “Of Scavengers and Smugglers,” that I decided to start up another. This one I plan to be a longer-running series. Just how long, I’m not certain yet. At least as long as ideas keep flowing, I suppose. Anyway, this story starts with … Read more

12Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter Twelve: Typical First Date Jitters Disclamer: Not mine, I own nothing. I’m not making any money WARNING: Harsh Language, adult themes, sexual situations (i.e. smut), bad spelling and grammar. Author’s Notes: This story is a broad farce with over the … Read more

21Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Chapter Twenty-One: Term starts and Harry’s workload bogs him down. Thankfully a friend gives him an idea on how to relieve his stress. The first few days of term were very stressful for Harry, to say the least. Every one of his instructors started their lessons by reiterating the fact that the seventh year students … Read more

Santa II

John Timberland was getting frustrated no matter how calm or at peace he was still nothing happened. Sighing again John tried to move the toy that was in front of him with his mind. A small smile lit up his face when it started to slightly vibrate, then nothing.   The elder from… John was … Read more

Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Family: Tiffany Trump

Trump Tower, New York City, 2000 My mom, Marla, had let me live with my daddy Donald. Daddy became abusive towards me, calling me mean names and hitting me whenever I was bad. Now, I know all parents hit their kids, but I’m not talking about a slap on the ass. I’m talking about being … Read more

Harry Potter NR.4

Chapter Sixteen – Godric’s Hollow Harry arrived in the receiving room and said hello to Andrew. They were chatting away when the door opened and Mattie walked in. “Excuse me Andrew, I believe the most important girl in my life just walked in and I had better cut it short so I stay on her … Read more

The Sabacc Shift

Happy Star Wars Day, readers! I put together this fun one-shot story in celebration of May the 4th be With You Day. As anyone familiar with Star Wars can probably guess, this story features Sabacc, the card game most famous for bringing Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon together. And, of course, some sexy aliens … Read more

Gray Jedi Ch. 10

Gray Jedi Ch. 10 “Serra, what’s our status?” Malik asked. “Just broke through the atmosphere, but Imperial fighters are hot on our tail.” “Rex, let’s man the guns,” Malik said. “Better idea: Rex and Laranth. I need you here, Malik,” Serra replied. “Good call, that girl’s a sure-shot.” “I’ll fetch her,” Rex said, jogging out … Read more

Of Scavengers and Smugglers Ch. 1

Greetings, readers!  This piece of Star Wars fan-fiction is a three-part mini-series I’ve been mulling over for some time now.  I know not everyone will agree, but I loved the hell out of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, and in particular Rey, the main heroine.  This story takes place leading up to the … Read more

Gray Jedi Ch. 9

Gray Jedi Ch. 9 The group made their way with care through a series of back alleys, heading towards one of Coruscant’s seedier entertainment districts. Rex was on guard and nervous the entire time with their traveling companions, but Malik and Serra seemed to know and trust these two. Still, he remained cautious; it’s what … Read more

I Dream of Jeannie

Roger Healy pulls his car up in front of Maj. Anthony Nelson’s house in Cocoa Beach, Florida, on a beautiful sunny Monday morning. For years Roger and Tony have been riding together to the NASA base several times a week. Roger sees that Tony’s car is gone so he figures that he’s already left. Roger … Read more

Amy Gets Her Fill of Doctor – Chapter 1

Gallifrey disappeared. The Daleks, caught in each others’ crossfire, decimated themselves as the Time Lords were transported safely into another dimension. The Doctors had won. They all needed a good rest after that, and the Tenth Doctor had the brilliant idea of taking the lot of them to the Zaggit Zagoo bar, an intergalactic tavern … Read more

Roses are red_(2)

“There is a striking resemblance between the act of love and the ministrations of a torturer.” -Angela Carter *** “Why does the wolf eat Grandma first?” The question floated out of Angela‘s mouth before she realized what she was saying and hung in the air, pregnant with possibilities. Nicolas wiped his mouth with a red-checked … Read more

Married with Children_(0)

Richard Baker has lived in his house, on Jeopardy Lane, for 21 years. He bought the house, in a suburb outside Chicago, when he took the job as a salesman for a major pharmaceutical company. At the time, Richard was a young man, only 24 years old. His job has been a successful one, as … Read more

Harry potter And the Dark world ch 1

I DON’T OWN THE CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY.ALL CHARACTERS OF THE HARRY POTTER SERIES BELONG TO J.K.ROWLING. #################################### From Legacy203/Bigaim24. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU. Sorry for the lack of updates but the season was too good to miss out on.I’m back now and the posting will be back on the following stories 1 DESTINY IN … Read more