Harry Potter Promise NR.8

Chapter 17 Snape looked up at the sound of the knock on his door, and set aside the essay he had been grading. An abysmal effort by a second year Hufflepuff, barely worth the parchment it had been written on. He opened the door to see Black standing on the other side. Sirius tried not … Read more

Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Regime: Tomi Lahren

You’ve heard about it in the news once and not after because the White House’s inside team will make sure nothing about it is leaked out to the press. This is one of the many dirty secrets that have never been allowed to leave the ‘Führerbunker’…until now. Guest-starring perverted middle-aged politicians from the Trump Administration. … Read more

20Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Chapter Twenty: Harry and Hermione face off against the Death Eater Threat and then face off against their dry spell. “Awww…. Did we interrupt?” the Death Eater asked mockingly as he pointed at Harry’s crotch. Harry looked down at his lap and found/ ‘Harry, Jr.’ sleeping in the open air, oblivious to the danger around … Read more

14Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter Fourteen: Places a bra… err… abroad. Disclamer: Not mine, I own nothing. I’m not making any money WARNING: Harsh Language, adult themes, sexual situations (i.e. smut), bad spelling and grammar. Author’s Notes: This story is a broad farce with over … Read more

35Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Epilogue: Look everybody! It’s an epilogue! Nineteen Years Later… Wait… what? Nineteen? Why nineteen? Don’t these things happen in even amounts of years like “two,”“ten,” or “twenty”? Or even increments of five years? Why would I go against convention and use an odd number like nineteen? “Oh, look at me; I’m such a rebel. I … Read more

34Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor_(1)

Chapter Thirty Four: And the Walls Come Crumbling Down Standard Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all characters are property of J K Rowling, Warner Brothers, Bloomsbury Books, Arthur A. Levine Books, Raincoast Books, Scholastic publishing (et al.) and are used without permission. This work was written purely for noncommercial entertainment; no money is being made. WARNING: … Read more

23Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter Twenty-Three: What’s a Tree? Disclaimer: Not mine, I own nothing. I’m not making any money. WARNING: Harsh Language, adult themes, sexual situations (i.e. smut), bad spelling and grammar. Author’s Notes: This story is a broad farce with over the top humor (a good deal of it is … Read more

26Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Chapter Twenty-Six: Tempers flare and a shocking revelation or two… perhaps three. “Lousy son of a bitch, I’ll kill him!” Those eight words had been repeated constantly by Hermione as she stomped down the hall. After Harry had told her the devastating news that Ron had been lending out the “instructional” Pensieve Memory that the … Read more

6Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter Six Disclamer: Not mine, I own nothing. I’m not making any money WARNING: Harsh Language, adult themes, sexual situations (i.e. smut), bad spelling and grammar. Author’s Notes: This story is a broad farce with over the top humor (a good … Read more

Naruto: Slave for You

“Hey, what are you doing here?” asked Shikamaru as Naruto entered the room. Naruto pointed to his forehead protector with a grin. “I managed to pass after all,” said Naruto. “Troublesome,” said the lazy Nara as he set his head down to take a nap. Naruto was about to say something when Iruka entered the … Read more

Harry Potter Promise NR.13

Chapter 8 Disclaimer: don’t own Harry Potter. Breakfast was a somewhat quiet affair the next morning; everyone was tired, having to get used to waking up early after several months of freedom. Minerva handed out schedules as usual, passing Harry his with a small smile, before moving on down the table. Harry looked over his … Read more

Taylor Swift Goes to ‘That Stupid Club’

31 December 2016 Taylor Swift couldn’t wait for the party. Dan Dymtrow had told her that an executive producer of Weinstein Company was holding a New Year’s party and needed someone for the main event of the night. Dan had mentioned her and she got the job. She would finally get a chance to display … Read more

7Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Chapter Seven Summary: Brainy birds are naughty! Harry cursed at himself for his own stupidity as he dashed behind the couch where Hermione had landed. Hermione had simply wanted to see how his love based magic affected his power and Harry had complied. He concentrated on his love based magic and yet, somehow he bollixed … Read more

Retelling The Karate Kid Chapter 3

“Who is this twerp”!” Johnny demanded from Allie after shutting off his dirtbike. The rest of his group were following their leader for moral support. They were the black belts of the Cobra Kai dojo and they were closer than brothers. “Johnny leave him alone. It’s over between us!!” Aliie pleaded with her ex. “Looks … Read more

2Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter Two Disclamer: Not mine, I own nothing. I’m not making any money either. WARNING: Harsh Language, adult themes, sexual situations (i.e.: smut), bad spelling and grammar. Also, the smut is going to be a bit more graphic than last time. Author’s Notes: This story is a broad … Read more

Naruto: Slave for You Ch. 2

Hinata awoke to the smell of breakfast. Slowly, she opened her eyes and was startled to find herself not in her own room. Then the memories of last night started to emerge in her mind as she reached for the collar around her next. It hadn’t been a dream after all. She had told the … Read more

10Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Chapter Ten Summary: Things get revealed in the bathroom… well more revealed than they already are that is. “Oh, bugger,” repeated Harry. A small House-Elf partially hidden behind the wall of other House-Elves was able to pop his or her head through a tiny opening and gazed in awe at Harry and Hermione’s naked forms. … Read more