Avatar : The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar Part 2

The ship pulled into the port with a loud bang and bash as it was moored agains the quay. Korra stirred and awoke from her dreamy sleep to see an enlarging white light form on the wall opposite her, pulling my arm from around her shoulder she turned around swiftly and crept to the edge … Read more

Star Wars: The Restricted Files – Chapter 4 – Aayla Secura

Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo were on their way to the planet Bilbringi to meet their Jedi Master Uncle, Luke Skywalker, before travelling back to the Jedi training facility on Yavin 4. That wasn’t the big news however; the Solo siblings had found a most peculiar piece of historical data. A data chip with several … Read more

The Punishment Of Hermione Granger (Chapter 1)

Chapter 1: A VISIT TO THE MINISTRY Hermione knows the words shouldn’t have come out of her mouth, but it is too late to take them back. Watching Professor Umbridge deny the existence of Voldemort and make Harry look like a fool in front of everything has just been too much for her. She couldn’t … Read more

Mary’s Marvelous Family Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Captain Marvel landed in the backyard of the Bromfield home and uttered his magic word, in a flash of magic lightning the Captain with his red, white, and gold costume was replaced by teen Billy Batson in his red T-shirt and blue jeans. Billy walked to his sister’s backdoor and raised his hand … Read more

Eragon-A Rider For Saphira

Saphira’s Intentions Saphira trudged softly through the trees in Ellesmera, her beautiful blue scales glistening in the morning light. She rarely ever walked, usually preferring the sky, but today she just needed to think. It had been a month since Glaedr had been killed by the evil Murtagh, and she was feeling highly depressed. She … Read more

Harry Potter “That” Need Part 11_(1)

Ginny paused outside the door to the Room of Requirement and chewed her bottom lip. She’d been a little surprised to be awoken by the insistent tapping of an owl outside her dorm window so early in the morning – it wasn’t even quite light outside – but that was nothing to her surprise when … Read more

Dc Universe-Rise of a Hero pt 1

Chapter 1 Lancer Leon. The name he had taken up when he and the Three others who were what was left of his people arrived on earth. His true name? Enro son of Shiela. Shiela was his mother’s name. She had remarried to another before he was born and she had never seen a reason … Read more

Hagrid takes advantage of Hermione

In case you don’t know what these characters look like, here are some brief descriptions Hermione: Just think of Emma Watson or google her or something Hagrid: Big guy, like 9 feet tall, kinda fat, long bristly beard and hair. Harry: Skinny, untidy black hair, glasses, scar on his forehead Ron: tall, red hair, freckles … Read more

Lust in Space S1E1: The Crash

John’s well muscled back flexed. He panted as his hips pushed forward in time with the ship’s engine. Judy tightened her legs around his waist, pulling his cock deep into her pussy. He put his hand behind her head and pulled her face to his. Their lips pressed tightly together as John repeatedly sawed his … Read more

Unconditional Love for a Dragon by

Unconditional Love for a Dragon 25th of July 2015 Character info: name is josh, 29 years old, slim body, tanned, barely visible six-pack, golden hair, green-ish eyes and about 182cm tall. He likes furry porn (dragons and other furry animals) and he is yet to find the love of his life. He is mostly outgoing, … Read more

Lust in Space S1E5: Takeoff

Maurine sat leaning against the wheel of the Chariot, with Judy laying across her lap and suckling at her breast. She absently ran her fingers through her daughter’s tuft of pubic hair as she enjoyed Judy’s tongue on her nipple. “Mom, why didn’t we do this a long time ago?” Maurine looked down at Judy … Read more

Harry Potter and The Ladies Of The Realm Part 3

Chapter 3: A Malfoy Milf is taken. “Hmmmm, and what do we have here?” Harry muttered as a black, Golden eyed owl landed on his table where he and Tonks were having their morning tea. They had reached London with no problems and it was just how Harry had left it, if not busier as … Read more

Star Wars: The Restricted Files – Chapter 1 – Meeting Ass-hoka Tano Part 1

“Come on Anakin… You said you could hack into C-3PO’s restricted files!” the fifteen year old Jaina Solo scolded her younger fourteen year old brother. “Dad’s gonna be back soon and if he catches us tampering with C-3PO’s memory, he’ll have a fit!” “Give him some room to work Jaina; he’s the only one that … Read more

13Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Chapter Thirteen Summary: Luna lends her hand to the Hunt! With a bounce in his step and a smile like he was the kneazle who ate the fairy, Ron joined Harry and Hermione for breakfast in the kitchen the next morning. Normally, the three friends would’ve had their morning meal in the Great Hall, but … Read more

Harry Potter Adventures: Chapter 5 – Draco’s Plot

This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 4 – part 3 As the party in Gryffindor common room raged on, Draco Malfoy sat in the empty Transfiguration classroom with his girlfriend Pansy Parkinson. Draco was shaking with anger and fear … Read more

Naruto: Slave for You Ch. 3

Kurenai sighed as she waited for her two students in the training field she had told Naruto to meet her at. They weren’t late, yet. She just hoped that they didn’t stay up all night making love like some shinobi do when they get their first slave. In a way, this was like their first … Read more

The Time Machine (Part 1)

Time Machine Part 1 “Chief O’Brien are you ready down there, ” Picard asks? “Yes Sir, I am all set here,“ O’Brien responds. “Number 1 you have the bridge, Data, Worf you are with me,” Picard orders as he heads for the turbo lift. “Shuttle bay 1, “ he speaks into the voice control, as … Read more