Kallen’s lust

Kallen’s pov In the short time that I had known him I had come to admire him, and after spending so much time at his side I had come to love him. Yes…love…I love Zero. He’s everything I’ve ever thought of in a man. He’s tactful, considerate, judicious…I can’t say anything in the looks department, … Read more

Star Wars: The Restricted Files – Chapter 8 – Ahsoka Tano vs. Asajj Ventress

While Leia Organa Solo and Mara Jade Skywalker took on the roles of slave girls in order to break the trafficking of slaves near Hutt Space, Jaina Solo furiously slammed two of her fingers into her pussy as she finished watching the holovid of Ahsoka Tano using her sex appeal to sway the mind of … Read more

Harry Potter 13 Added Security at Hogwarts by

Harry spent the next two days with Ginny until classes started up again. The first class Harry, Ron and Hermione had was Transfiguration. Prof. Radcliff was not taking it easy on them either. Since they were taking N.E.W.T.S, they were now up to changing live monkeys so they can change themselves soon. Hermione was actually … Read more

To Kill a MockingBird: Coming of Age

Unsupervised, Scout, young and cute, and Jem, manly and responsible, would loiter around by the creek, past the dump where the Ewells lived. Both Scout and Jem were coming to maturity due to the Tom Robinson case. Maturity was gliding into their lives quickly like a flash of lighting. The circumstances of their life had … Read more

Mardaani – A Fantasy – Part 1

Chapter 1 – Abduction of Anjali It was Rani’s off day because of Meera’s birthday. Meera had turned 18. She was a beautiful girl with an hour-glass figure. She had curly black hair that reached below her shoulders. Rani was taking Meera and her best friend Anjali for a lunch and movie treat. Anjali and … Read more

Harry Potter ~ “That” Need part 1

Not for the first time, Harry Potter lay awake on his four poster in Gryffindor Tower, painfully aware of the throbbing erection straining to escape from his pyjamas. He resisted the urge to take the problem in hand, to provide himself some much needed release, because the ragged breathing and the occasional moan coming from … Read more

eragon rider 2 by

<p>”Did you hear? King Jellal’s holding the national holiday early this year!” one of the field girls squealed.”Today’s the last work day and we get three days to head to the capitol, and then a whole month off for them!”</p> <p>”He’s starting them early? And such short notice? You sure you’re telling the truth?” Another … Read more

Garbowsky’s Wedding and After Party

I am the groomsman at my bass players wedding. I was happy for Greg to be getting married to Paris. We had just come out of the chapel and were headed back to take some photos at the park and then get ready for the party. Of course because Paris’s brother, Reeve, is dating Ashley … Read more

Guardian-Warrior: Meltd0wn

Forward: This is a Cross-Over Fan Fiction between the the movie “TRON” and the cartoon series “Reboot”, this story takes place a few months after the events in the first TRON film, as well as during and directly after “Daemon Rising” in Reboot. However I am only using the two worlds which I have combined … Read more

35Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor – Final Chapter

Disclaimer: These stories are not mine all characters belong to JK Rowling. Nineteen Years Later… Wait… what? Nineteen? Why nineteen? Don’t these things happen in even amounts of years like “two,” “ten,” or “twenty”? Or even increments of five years? Why would I go against convention and use an odd number like nineteen? “Oh, look … Read more


Molly Weasley didn’t dare serve dinner until after the Quidditch match had been completed because even she didn’t have the ability to drag Weasleys away from Quidditch. Teddy secured a win for his team by practically stealing the Snitch out James’s grasp and then everyone was off their brooms and sitting at the large crowd … Read more

Digimon: Rise and Fall: Chapter 2: Vanity

Mimi stood in her dressing room getting ready for her performance. All around her were make up artists and hair stylists getting her ready. Her hair was back to her natural brown colour. Her first talent agent told her to drop the pink hair to focus on her more natural beauty. She wore a stylish … Read more

In The X-Mansion

Ivy flies to the mansion unsure if she would find what she needed. She puts up a telepathic block to stop prying minds. She heads to the main office, she knows they are in there having a meeting, not expecting, smirking she enters. Logan stands, ready to fight. She sees that Wolverine is more handsome … Read more

Gaston fucks Belle (Beauty and the Beast)

Belle was asleep on her back when Beast, in human form, lifted the blankets from her lithe body and pressed his large hand over her bare breast. She always slept nude. Her head was turned to the side and she was happily dreaming away. He leaned over and put his mouth over her small nipple … Read more

The Rape of Bliss_(0)

“What the fuck, Alexa!?!” Kaitlyn said knocking hard on the door to Alexa’s dressing room. Alexa nervously opened the door a little before Kaitlyn forced her way inside pushing Alexa in the process. “You knee’d me hard in the face during our match you idiot!” Kaitlyn said. Alexa looked Kaitlyn scared. “I didn’t mean too.” … Read more