Return To Bad Wolf Bay (Eleven/Rose)

Originally published by Almanorek at under the Title ‘Eleven/Rose Oneshot’ This version of the text has been edited for grammar and spelling by ‘Last Centurion’. It includes numerous small changes as well as some larger changes such as referring to the Doctors as the Meta Crisis Doctor, the Tenth Doctor’s Duplicate, and just plainly … Read more

A Night For Two

It started with nothing more than a long slow kiss. Diogo’s mouth hot against mine. His hands pulling my face up to his. Holding it there. I clutched his chest and could feel such an intense heat. Behind me, his brother slowly started to lift up my shirt and kiss my back. Starting from the … Read more


Jo Harvelle walks through the backdoor of the club and into the alley behind it. With a frustrated sigh, she heaves the trash into the dumpster – a monstrous task given the height of the heels she teeters on. The case she’s been investigating was a bust. Nothing supernatural. Just a bunch of second rate … Read more

harry_potter_06 by

Disclaimer- I don’t own Harry Potter. ——————————————————————————– Albus, John, Rose, and Amanda all agreed to wait until after dinner to visit Matt in the Hospital Wing the next day. They had the afternoon off, but Kaden didn’t, and he wanted to come along. Kaden seemed even happier now that he was no longer excluded from … Read more

Modern Family – Luke’s sexual awakening

It was a quiet afternoon at the Dunphy house and only Luke was there. After going through the tv channels and giving up on finding anything fun, he decided to go look around in his parent’s room. After finding nothimg interesting in his mom’s things – wich he already expected -, he starts to look … Read more

six degrees of separation-mass effect

Six Degrees of Separation Series Book 1: Tangled By Firedancer Chapter One: After the Storm Ashley Williams jerked awake, and then gasped as the action caused pain to lance through her badly injured body. “Easy Chief,” came the soothing tones of a familiar voice as Dr. Chakwas’ face finally came into her view. “Doc,” she … Read more

Naruto:Kyuubi Secrets Ch.4

             Naruto:Kyuubi Secrets             Ch.4: Undying Passion ********************************************      So, guys, this is the beginning of chapter 4!! I’m excited, because even I, as the writer, don’t know what to expect!!! Well, I just hope that you guys can enjoy this chapter!!! ********************************************   … Read more

Drizella’s Revenge

Cinderella walked into the music room- where her step-sisters Drizella and Anastasia practiced the flute, violin and their vocals. The sisters had rang their bell indicating they needed Cinderella for something. Since the Step-mother was out she expected the bell to be ringing non-stop but in the two hours since she had gone to town … Read more

More Than One World

more than one world (FF, bukkake, cons, dickgirl, oral, rom, snow) (takes place right after the final season of Gilmore Girls) Rory Gilmore looked out of the window of her hotel room at the dark and loveless night. It was almost one in the morning. She’d had a long tiring day, and she knew she … Read more

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires – Chapter 7 – The Restricted Section

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter Seven – The Restricted Section Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, hp, magic, preg, spank Draco Malfoy had just caused the entire Weasley family … Read more

Harry Potter “That” Need Part 3

And so Hermione sat, anxiously waiting for Ginny to arrive. The older they’d all gotten, the harder it was for a girl to be the best friend of the two hottest guys in sixth year (at least, that’s how Hermione saw Harry and Ron). And today, even though the Quidditch season had ended, the weather … Read more

Harry potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts – Part 2 – Clothing Optional

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood were on a very important mission. A mission which had taken them back in time to the 1976-1977 school year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Using one of only two special time-turner devices that Dumbledore himself had created, Harry and his friends … Read more

Camping chapter 2

Ranma 1/2: Camping Second night Ranma had been a little nervous when it came time to turn in. Well, a whole lot nervous. He had even suggested that they use separate tents that night. Akane had replied to that one with: “Why are you planing something perverted?” Once again she flashed that smile. That smile … Read more

Naruto: Kyuubi Secrets Ch.5

“Why are you wearing that stupid-ass cloak, Naruto?” Jiraiya asked as he marched down the street, an incredibly heavy pack strapped to his back. Naruto look down and surveyed his cloak. Mainly made of a soft, silky black cloth, it contained differently-sized Uzumaki family symbols.”It’s not stupid, Ero-Sennin,”Naruto replied.”Your ugly-ass whore lady-friends are stupid!” Jiraiya glared … Read more

Misty Mountains Ch.4 Ambush_(1)

Fili laid in his large bed panting, laid down beside him on either side were the elf twins, Laurel and Seraph. They had come back to his room with him after being dismissed by their mistress for the night, he hadn’t been expecting the ladies to accompany him but he was not disappointed. They had … Read more