Dracula’s Daughter

“’Dracula’s Daughter’ would require half a dozen languages to adequately express its beastliness. I consider it absolutely unfit for exhibition.” -British film censor, 1936 *** They reached Borgo Pass well before sundown, but the coach driver would go no further. “I shouldn’t even have taken you this far,” he said. This was a black, rocky … Read more

A desperate Charmeleon

A fire-type Pokemon can feel quite powerful while walking through the forest, and it is for this reason that Pokemon of this stature are expected to show a humility and kindness.. This, however, was NOT in the nature of this particular Charmeleon, for each of her boastful steps through the heavily wooded area was a … Read more

Fantasy world adventure pt 3- World of Warcraft,Diablo(Breeding Two amazons.)

Chapter 3 Breaking their camp,Daren and his army and council returned to stormwind city where the bulk of his army.He had been preparing to go stop the uprisings among the undead and night elves when a message from the night elves arrived for him from their leader,Tyrande Whisperwind.Apparently she had managed to quell any uprisings … Read more

Icy Cool Down

“God, it’s hot!” moaned fifteen year old Gabe as the summer heat got to him, while the middle child of the Duncans enjoyed the heat as it meant it was baseball season, today’s weather was just ridiculous.”Turn the fan up then.” muttered PJ, the older blonde lying on his bed after a long day of … Read more

Harry Potter and the trio of friends chp 2

The night outside was a blissful one, the world beamed down through the tiny window, finding eyes with so much confusion, tears and joy that even the world couldn’t understand. Sitting there, perched gently upon the oak windowsill was Hermione. As if her teared eyes, acted like a magnifying glass, Her mind poured out in … Read more

Story of My Unfortunate Life – Chapters 3 & 4

*Chapter 3 ———————– I woke up with a groan and a yawn, at least there was no one to share my room with or else I would go insane. looking at my alarm clock which said 6:00 AM, APRIL 18th, I gave myself some assurance. I always wanted to wake up early since my damned … Read more

Snow White & The Queen

“Every fairy tale has a bloody lining.” -Alice Hoffman *** “Mirror, mirror, on the wall…” “What’s that, mother?” The Queen turned away from the glass. Her stepdaughter sat at the tower window, embroidery in her lap, looking puzzled. “Just something I used to say when I was a little girl,” said the Queen. “A rhyming … Read more

Fantasy world adventurer pt 1-World of Warcraft.(knotting a bitch)

Chapter 1 (All stories are inspired by pictures from Lucien and Joixxx from Rule 34.All characters not OCTOBER are not mine only borrowed.) Deren moon awoke grogily in a soft bed that was not his own.The sheets were blood red and softer than any he he felt in his whole life. He wondered what had … Read more

Story of My Unfortunate Life – Chapters 1 & 2

*Chapter 1 ————————- April 16th, 20XX An orphan, that’s what I am and always will be, and moving to this French boarding school won’t change it. Kadic? I can’t remember the name of the place. The flight from the states has been tough for me since my lack of biological and adoptive parent’s care (as … Read more

Danny’s secret desires part 2

The excitement builds in Danny’s chest as they arrange to meet at Lancer’s house, it’s not far from Danny’s home. The days leading up to Saturday crawl by like hours stretched to infinity. Danny can’t focus on anything but the impending rendezvous with his former teacher. He’s torn between the thrill of the unknown and … Read more

Danny’s secret desires part 1

Danny Fenton, with a look of contemplation on his face, hunched over a glowing computer screen in a dimly lit room. He’s dressed in his typical casual attire, a hint of his half-ghost form peeking through the fabric of his clothes, suggesting he’s in his secret identity. The room is cluttered with comic books and … Read more

Do You Feel Beautiful Now? – Tom Hiddleston Fanfic

“How can anyone, especially you, find all this” — you wave your hand around, gesturing to your naked body lying before Tom on his bed — “attractive?” “You see fault where I find beauty,” he says gently, running the backs of his fingers down your cheek. The corner of his mouth turns up. “By the … Read more

Same Old Love

Chapter 1: Lizzie was well and truly over Tom Keen. She had the proof now of his infidelity spread across the twin bed in her motel room. The confirmation of his lies had stung, but it was his wasteful use of her feelings that really made her see red. Had anything about their life been … Read more

Alexa Bliss’ Wild Night – (Wrestling With Temptation – Episode 1)

Where the hell am I? That is Alexa Bliss’ first thought as she awakes from a deep sleep. Her second thought is of the raging headache that just came over her, the result of a massive hangover. Whatever she’d drunk last night, it was either very strong, or in very large quantities. Or, probably both. … Read more

Jane Jetson, Astro and the Paper-Lad

Jane Jetson was taking a long hot relaxing shower; George and the rest of her family were still asleep. She quietly slipped out of her shower and dried herself on a large towel. She then slipped on a white short white dressing gown, and walked into the kitchen. Rosie the robotic maid was busily preparing … Read more