Two Hours

Two Hours Okay so I had lost the bet with Tom; it was no big deal, I’d submitted to him before now and had fun. But this was going to be different; he had boasted in front of my husband and his wife, he could make me give out a ‘password’ to stop within 2 … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 18

Chapter Eighteen: Angels and Demons Having been born into the lifestyle, it was only natural that Rich was now deeply immersed in it. He had been born to a prostitute, and no one ever knew who his father was. He was raised by his mother, his mother’s pimp, and the other girls the pimp managed. … Read more

Emma the Pig – Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 It had taken me almost an hour but I was almost to their neighborhood. I was terrified the whole way that someone would see me, but I should have known better. Everyone in this neighborhood went to bed at 10. A couple blocks over a dog barked loudly, enough to make me jump … Read more

Jean’s Story

Chapter 1 : Introduction, London, the 25th “And you are quite certain that you don’t want to add any further conditions or qualifications, you’re happy with things as agreed ?” “I am. Now if you don’t want my custom Mr Smith” “I’m sorry Mrs Devereux, I have to be sure. I do hope that you … Read more

Clementina, Chapter 3 – Metamorphosis

This is Chapter 3, which comprises parts XIII – XVII. Just a reminder: this is partly a horror story, so consider yourself warned. Also, as a warning, from here on out, the genders get mixed-up. There are no parts that can be skipped in this chapter. Clementina, Chapter 3 – Metamorphosis PART XIII The phone … Read more

Dupli-Kate vs Death Cock

“Alright, kids, here comes the special guest I promised you today. From Team Teen, the superhero Dupli-Kate!” Kate waved at the scattered applause and tried not to put too much bounce in her steps. Her crime-fighting outfit was inappropriate in any setting, but a grade school felt like a new low. The principal who introduced … Read more

Rape – His Story

Several years ago, a casual chat friend asked me to write a Rape Story. Initially I couldn’t, and wouldn’t, and immediately gave up on the idea, frankly telling her so. Then later, thinking back to her demand, I decided to try and write a story from the perspective of the female; not to glorify rape, … Read more

The Janitor (Chapter 1)

The Janitor Chapter one. Gwen picked up the mail from the mat, closed the front door behind with her foot and flicked the switch, turning on the main light. She dropped her coat over the back of the hall chair, next to the phone and stepped into the living room, kicking off her shoes and … Read more

The ring of salazar Part 5

Ginny Weasly was in the griffondor’s room doing her roomwork when she felt the need to take a shit. Leaving her work on the table,she got up and went to the room’s girl washroom when Hermione entered from behind the portrait bringing, at the same time, a strong foul smell which filled the place. Everyone … Read more

My Lover, My Master, My Vampire

I was laying there on my bed. I glanced over at the clock; 3 AM. I rolled over on my back and sighed. Some nightmare I couldn’t even remember had freaked me out and woke me up. I over on my side, adjusting my night shirt over my braless, panties body, so that I was … Read more

Clementina, Chapter 5 – Citadel & Interlude

This is Chapter 5, which comprises parts XXII – XXV, plus an interlude. Just a reminder: this is partly a horror story, so consider yourself warned. Also, another reminder, the line between female and male gets rather porous in this tale. If you are in a hurry or just want to focus on the main … Read more

Ward of the State

THE PROGRAM There are many programs in New York State. This story is but one of them. The Program as it’s currently operated was developed in the early 1970s by a group of employees to supplement their very meager State salaries. It eventually not only supplemented it, it made them very, very rich. The employees … Read more


The date was less than memorable he had been a total dud. She hadn’t even wanted to go out with him. The date was a set up by a friend wanting to get her out of her doldrums. Bored to tears as she was forced to listen to his business prowess, his skillfulness extracting himself … Read more


Xenowars (There is a prequel to this story called “The Coming”. You don’t need to read it to understand this story but it is recommended.) Part 1: Rebel Uprising Eleven months ago, prominent scientist Dr. Timothy Andrews discovered a wormhole, a space gate close to Earth that promised a new era in space exploration. But … Read more

Prisoner of the Tookees, Part Two

Part Two – The Parade of Shame When Mousey awoke, she was once again chained in the small cell with the other seven. “What happened?” she asked. She wasn’t so much interested in what had happened to her, but wanted to know if the same had happened to the others. “After a while,” Kalina said, … Read more

Short demon roleplay (female x [you])_(0)

Rave was a stern-looking girl. Her long soft purple locks fell into her face due to the cold wind outside, which made her pale skin stand out even more. She wore a large white sweater with sexy black stockings underneath, topping it off with black dr martins and a backpack with decorative devil’s wings. Her … Read more


PB-308 COUSIN’S FARMYARD FUN by Paul Gable CHAPTER ONE Barbara’s cunt tightened, that delicious hot, itchy feeling making her clit tingle and stiffen while juice began to ooze from the seepy lining. It was awful! The attractive twenty-four-year-old blonde pressed her fingertips to her lips and closed her eyes, inhaling a shuddering breath and trying … Read more