Poor Little Claire

1. If you asked the students of West Point Highschool about the shy nerdy girl, Claire, you would probably get one of two replies, a confused look and the question of ‘who?’ or you would be told about a girl who is always top of her class, in the end you would walk away with … Read more

The Camp Slut- Night 3

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events are coincidental. This story is not intended to be an accurate reflection of any particular lifestyle. Night 3 I woke up with Slut snuggled up against me. I drifted happily until I realized I smelled coffee. Groaning, I … Read more

My Tales as a Submissive to a Master Part 1

I wake in the morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed. The sun is coming in through the window and cascading softly against the bed. The weather report said it was going to be in the mid-eighties today and not a cloud in the sky. It was the perfect today to go for a run. The … Read more

Going Nova ch. 3: The Dressing Room

Warrick heard a knocking at the front door. He cracked his eyes open and squinted into the morning sunlight. It was Saturday, and he had some idea of who could possibly be coming over so early, but he didn’t delight in the commotion she was likely to bring, so he groaned and turned over. The … Read more

Amy Gets Her Fill of Doctor – Chapter 1

Gallifrey disappeared. The Daleks, caught in each others’ crossfire, decimated themselves as the Time Lords were transported safely into another dimension. The Doctors had won. They all needed a good rest after that, and the Tenth Doctor had the brilliant idea of taking the lot of them to the Zaggit Zagoo bar, an intergalactic tavern … Read more

NAKED LEGAL 2: The First Day

CHAPTER TWO: THE FIRST DAY The next morning I stepped out of the shower, drying myself and looked into the mirror after wiping a large circle of fog from the surface. I looked at my body critically as if I was evaluating the finishing touches of a completed outfit. I raised my eyes from the … Read more

Fiona puts on a show – Chapter 1

This is the sequel to “Fiona gets a job”. After getting a housekeeping job with the Waldens, Fiona meets their dog and becomes his bitch. Both Mr and Mrs Walden also enjoy her. They then offer her a job in their company office but with the promise that her expertise with dogs will not be … Read more

Jamaican Dance Party

Jamaican Dance Party This is a true story about a Jamaican family and the parties they used to have every weekend. During the day there would be cooking and barbecue for all who came, mostly family but a few friends were allowed, like myself. I was friends with the eldest daughter, there was a younger … Read more

McKenzie, the Hot Babsitter

This story is dedicated to Piper, the TRUE hot babysitter… hopefully, it compares to those cheesy Hallmark movies that you and Mandy enjoy so much! ****************************************************************************** “Look at me, Auntie McKenzie!” Timothy shrieked. “Look at me!” The little boy posed atop a plastic slide in the backyard of his home. His chest was puffed out … Read more

Owned Teacher Chap 16-18

This is not my work. This wonderful little piece was writen by an author known as “Thumb” about ten to fifteen years ago. I repost it here in hopes a new audience will get as much enjoyment out of it as I have over the years. CHAPTER 16 From the beginning of the first class … Read more

Miss Primm

Ms. Primm (An absolutely true story) I was a teenager, 15. I went to Lane Technical High School in Chicago. At that time, it was not co-ed as it is today. I rode crowded buses each morning to get to its Western and Addison location. Those old enough will remember the buses, green below the … Read more

When in Toronto…

“And that’s it! That’s it! It’s over!” the commentator babbled into their headset. “The match goes to Klutz! I can’t believe it!!” The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe. … Read more