What a Photo Reveals

The girls were lounging in the common room, their bare legs glistening along the armrests. “Tyler?” “Oh god he’s so cute.” “Not worth it though. I chased him for a year. He likes to brag about how he once kissed three different girls the same day.” Carol giggled. “I was one of them…” Kelly was … Read more

Strangers on a Train part 6: Yasmin’s Visit

Part 6 The intense heat of the New York summer was now a distant memory; a fresh blanket of snow covered the city. Christmas decorations adorned businesses and city streets signifying the season. The city, of course, was busy as usual—children in oversized puffer coats and backpacks heading to school and gearing up for the … Read more

Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2: Part 2

Despite being on vacation, waking up was anything but pleasant. Between the slight hangover from last night’s wine and the loud snoring form my husband, even the bright rays of the Florida sun wasn’t enough to jolt me out of bed. I spent a few minutes just tossing and turning, and it was the first … Read more

My ‘obscene organ of brute pleasure’_(1)

Well, here’s my personal story……. Ever since I can remember I’ve had an unusually large clitoris. My clit is about 1 and a half inches long when not excited but when aroused it can be as large as 2 and a half inches in length. It can actually rub against my underwear when walking around. … Read more

Lifelong Exhibitionist 4

This story is a continuation of my last one. I have embellished some aspects to make it more enjoyable but this is pretty much what happened. I spent the whole day in anticipation of that evening. I found myself not breathing whenever I was thinking about it. I had to try and relax! It was … Read more

Missy: Day Sixteen

Day Sixteen “Daddy?!” I squealed with surprise. Instead of Mommy in the school pick up lane, it was Daddy sitting in the car waiting for me after high school on Tuesday. “Hi baby girl, hop in!” he smiled. Sigh, he was so handsome. I did as he asked, clicking up seatbelt and looking up at … Read more

Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris part 5

I woke up the next morning earlier than usual to get an extra yoga session done in the morning. I wanted to look my absolute best by Halloween, but more importantly, I wanted to fuck Chris after I was all amped up from exercising. Normally, my workout was always in my bedroom, but with my … Read more

How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 1

George Ramer had already had three daughters take top placement in three previous Festivals, and had built a successful business coaching other fathers in the finer points of preparing their own daughters for their big night. His services included exercise and nutrition programming, movement coaching and choreography, grooming advice, and psychological coaching for both the … Read more

Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2: Part 3

“Ughh sweetie! This is why mommy told you to pack last night!” I screamed frustratingly at my daughter. Now here I was, sifting through her little suitcase at 7 in the morning, trying to find and organize all her clothe again while she was laughing and joking around with her cousin in the living room. … Read more

THE BOSS’S SLUT 7: Anal Training

CHAPTER SEVEN: ANAL TRAINING “Mr. Woodburn, Tina is here.” I was walking toward her cubicle, which had a clear view of anyone approaching from the elevators. As I came to her desk, “You didn’t call her, Sir?” She listened and hung up the phone. “Go right in, Tina. Is anything wrong?” I was usually called … Read more