Office Story

I call you on the phone and without warning starting telling you about how I would like to crawl under your desk, spread your legs apart, and put my mouth right on your pants and breath through your pants and panties. Your clit would feel the heat from my mouth and while letting my hands … Read more

Summer – Brothers Love

This Story contains acts of homosexuality and incest of young teenage boys, so if you have any problems with these topics do not read on!!!!! This is my first story on XNXX I hope you enjoy it! This is the first story about two brothers and their best friends and the fun they have together. … Read more

Trapped underground

Trapped Underground With the tornado warning sounding the high school students were told the stand in the interior hallway as they lined the hallway the noise of the wind prevented any talking. Many of then went to the basement. They were all frightened because this loud noise and soon the roof over them was now … Read more

Steamy Nights and Secret Days

As the sky darkened and the misty air began to chill Katie’s soft skin, her racing thoughts began to re-submerge. Peering through her thick spectacled glasses, she noticed that across the street, was the one who consumed her naughty thoughts the previous night. Her heart began to race, and low, in the depths of her … Read more

Double climax for Lynn

Lynn had just experienced a strong, albeit quick, climax with her online fuckbuddy Frank. Frank was a great playmate with no complications, no chat, and no foreplay. When stimulated with a naked pussy Frank would pull out his massive cock and just go straight to mutual masturbation. As she reached her climax Jim, her Dom, … Read more

How I Feel About Dad

How I feel about Dad As you have read from Jack’s posts, I have been in a sexual relationship with my dad for several years. Jack told me there has been requests for my point of view on our relationship and I know that Jack wrote about how it all started in “Visit From Her … Read more


We could not get enough of each other. Texting of what was to come, calling if possible. All the movies we never saw the ending. Driving while our hands would be everywhere but where they should have been. Concerts that seemed we was the main attraction. getting hollered at “GET A ROOM!”. Goodnight kisses that … Read more

Test Hypnosis

This is not a story, it is a simple hypnosis test. If you are looking for erotic sex scenes, then you might as well look somewhere else. I offer a chance to experience a light hypnosis test. So if you want to see some small example read on. There are so many different ways to … Read more

The Basics of Actually Good Erotica

It’s no secret that I think a lot of erotica is crap. The great majority of it is pretty subpar, an example of poor writing that uses the inclusion of sex to excuse it from being good as opposed to enhancing the final product. It’s something that plagues my work from time to time, and … Read more

I really couldn’t help it!

I married Diane, Carol’s grandmother when she was 8, her mother Elaine was a single parent and Diane did everything she could to support her daughter and granddaughter. In my late fifties, Diane was my perfect match, we fitted together perfectly, she had a super figure for her age, she indulged me in my sexual … Read more

Tales of Laney R

MffBest Winsome young Laney R. her best friend, her next door neighbor and his dog who she helps out; then He “helps” her out learning of joys in life! A true story. It was innocent enough, that is, in the beginning. Later I lost my innocence and found sexual pleasures beyond my dreams. My next … Read more

Jeannie and her daughter

Jeannie It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. I got an email from Jeannie of my bank. I remember the name. She had helped me the day before at the local branch. “I am just check on you and what our bank did for you yesterday.” I noticed she was not using a bank email address. … Read more

The ethics of this shit

I don’t know about anyone else on this site, but I care about being a good person, and it’s not lost on me that a lot of people would think I’ve given up on that by posting here, especially given that my story contains an unapologetically sadistic rape and also touches on a whole bunch … Read more

The Online Erotica Writer’s Guide to Etiquette

Online erotica writing is a big leap from being just a reader. Whether you’re a reader or a writer, it’s easy to see this. When you’re a reader, you can hide comfortably behind a veil of anonymity and read people’s work, get off to it, and maybe even vote or leave a comment afterwards. When … Read more