We were sun tanning in the dress optional area of our condo complex, both of us naked, getting a kinky turn on, flaunting our well kept naked bodies for anyone who cared to watch, both of us drawing admiring glances from both sexes. My man has a far bigger cock than most men, something he … Read more

Defend yourself

It was three in the morning when the phone started to ring. “Hello?” John said half asleep. “John? It’s me Mary!” Mary was John’s girlfriend at the time. “What’s up? Do you know what time it is?” Mary voice started to tremble a little. “It’s Alex. Something has happened.” Of course when it comes to … Read more

TRUE STORY: What Happens In Vegas … Stays Burned In My Memory (revised)

She came through the revolving door as if she were gliding on air. She had an elegance that belied her age … just 24 … and her smooth stride somehow masked the fact that she was 6-foot 2-inches in her heels. A few steps in, she stopped. She told me she was a model but … Read more

Wanting to fuck what you shouldn’t (as a girl that young)…

I’ve always enjoyed masturbating. It started when I was very young and now I’m in my early twenties. Back when I was still at secondary school I’d sit there in my classes and my mind would wander to filth. If we had a male teacher for that lesson he would become the subject of my … Read more


Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an added bonus. Wendy told me her girlfriend Karen was ‘a jealous bitch’. “She wants everything I get. But she is … Read more

The Love of Money I Chapter 5a: Promotions and Proposals

As I left Gina’s office, I caught sight of Natalie again. Our eyes met for a moment and I could feel her questions on me from halfway across the office. “Gina’s going to be busy packing her stuff. Is there another place I can go for the next couple of meetings? Somewhere without anyone nearby. … Read more


“Twenty years younger than us. We both enjoy a challenge and she is very challenging. For both of us. Though a year on we might be a challenge for her. Let’s dwell on that thought? It could be so exciting watching her seducing both of us. Having sex with each of us and both of … Read more


“A gentleman never tells,” I smiled smugly, fascinated where this conversation might lead. “Some of my girlfriends speak very highly of your man Sarah. He is rumoured to have a thick, nine-inch erection when fully aroused. And you Sarah, are rumoured to be very exciting woman and extremely talented. Debbi had our full attention as … Read more

The Launch Party Pt 1

Rebecca’s husband, Bill, was a software developer. He had recently taken a new job at MarServe in Atlanta. It required the newlywed couple to relocate and move from New Jersey to Georgia. Rebecca quit her job at the call center, because Bill was going to be making enough money to support them both. Upon taking … Read more


“Compared to these people we have only ever had vanilla sex, just plain vanilla sex,” I told Alan as we both watched fascinated while men and women and women and women had sex in ways we had never even dreamed of. The way we fucked that night was the best sex we had ever had. … Read more

The Deal_(0)

The sound of the motorbike engine rattled the walls of Jenna’s bedroom making her get up out of bed to see her neighbour from the farm closest to her had unexpectedly paid a visit. She’d only just put on the deep red chemise and shorts set she liked to sleep in before quickly wrapping the … Read more

Daddy’s Girl, Part 3

Dinner was perfect after that tasty appetizer, the bison flank steak Daddy and I had was cooked to perfection, just rare enough to make me purr happily. Because he has special plans for me next, we each only have one glass of wine a piece. As we nibble on the apple tatin with salted butter … Read more

The College Trio – Chapter 1

Introducing Sam, a strapping 21 year old going to college for a business degree. He’s a handsome 5 foot 10 inche stud who loves to go to the gym and have fun with friends. Hes been out as bisexual since early high school, him and his friend at a different school ended up experimenting sexually. … Read more


Relaxing and romantic saxophone music playing when the door opened. The concierge was more surprised then me when we both looked at the two people dressed in short, black silk camisoles, heels and black stockings, a French couple, one a gorgeous woman in her forties, the other a very effeminate, slightly younger male, with a … Read more

Snowstorm paradise

I enjoy driving in the snow and had taken off driving in the woodland country to get away from it all, in spite of the near blizzard snow storm we were enduring. I had been driving the back roads enjoying the snow when I rounded a bend and saw the Bronco sitting just off the … Read more

The Piano Teachers’ Pussy

I was 14 years old and in grade 9. I never really wanted to take music lessons but it was a forgone conclusion in my family. Both my parents were very musical. My mother was a backup cellist in the cities symphony and my father had taken music lessons his entire childhood. My parents had … Read more