Family Affairs Dad, Daughter Friend Mom

Chapter 1 – The beginning Hi, my name is John. At the time all this happened I was married to Ann. We lived down south with our two daughters, Samantha or Sam, as we call her, who was a tall tanned with long blonde hair. Sam had a long wiry frame like a ballerina and … Read more


“She was flirting with both of us, and we with her,” I asked as he looked at the first pic, a head and shoulders shot of a most attractive women in her mid-forties, a little older than us. Shoulder length auburn hair and a confident smile. The second pic showed a young girl, just nineteen … Read more

Relatives from Out of Town – A Halloween Story

It all started when cousin Bridget made her prophecy. Bridget has always been a very weird little girl. Perhaps I should say she has always been a very weird… and very little… girl. Aunt Nora used to say that Bridget must have been kissed by the Fey as she drew her first breath. Shortly after … Read more


In due course we arrange to have Marilyn around. My first impression is she is a class act and a still attractive size 10 blond in her mid-forties with a good trim body. We are all around the same age, late thirties and as we quickly learnt, have all lost any sexual inhibitions we may … Read more

Merry Christmas, Ba

Back in the summer of 1980, I was a restless young man. I was a 19-year-old with a natural curiosity and a cocky attitude. The summer of 1980 was also the last summer I had before going off to college. I had taken a year off after high school and felt I needed to make … Read more

Amy’s Fantasy

Initially, Amy was hesitant when Alex had asked her if she wanted to take the bus instead of a plane. She knew that what should have been a couple-hour journey would now take more than a whole day, but when she saw the price difference she would have to say yes. She ended up being … Read more

Timelooper – Chapter Two

This is Chapter Two of four chapters. This is either a Sci-Fi story woven through a BDSM story or a BDSM story woven through a Sci-Fi story. If you’re a Sci-Fi geek who doesn’t want the BDSM stuff, just skip through that to the Sci-Fi story. If you’re a BDSM freak who doesn’t care about … Read more

Fuck me, Daddy!

My dad’s life has always intrigued me. Born as a trailer park boy with no chance of making it in the real world, he married into one of the wealthiest of families in the country. I find it truly impressive how quickly he must have changed, for from my oldest memories, he’s been a great … Read more

The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch-1 part 8

Rare Lascivious English Classic. this is a book written by an English gentleman of considerable wit, command of the language, and imagination of Rabelaisian order. Erotic as are the tales, they are far from being filthy, while a plot of thrilling interest runs throughout the work, binding all the stories together..The book ‘The Adventures of … Read more

The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 19: Return of the Twins

Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them? Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… 8:00 … Read more

Just Friends.

A short, Erotic story, by James Burns. Just Friends. She awoke to explosions and light flashing into the room. There were fireworks just outside the window, signalling in the New Year. She looked to the clock and sure enough it read 00:02. She was lying on a double bed, the sticky sheets only half covering … Read more

Honor thy Father and slut (Camp Slut Series- Chapter 9)

Honor thy Father and slut (Chapter 9) I was out in the workshop trying to isolate a particularly bothersome card fault when I heard the chime indicating someone was coming down the driveway. I flipped the TV to the security feed to see an expensive looking luxury car easing its way down the gravel, and … Read more


“At least six I told, twice some day, her truthfully as her eyes widened. Does your man have a big cock? Her eyes were like dinner plates when I told her, almost ten-inches when he is fully erect and thick, he is a mouth full. “You mean you have oral sex with him?, she asked. … Read more

Amber – Chapters 1 and 2

Chapter 1: Amber had picked out her shortest skirt that day—she’d known it would draw a lot of attention, and though she had a large collection of slutty outfits, she’d really wanted to make an impression at the party. Of course, the skirt wasn’t drawing nearly as much attention as the three cocks she was … Read more