Beach fun part 2

What the hell guys? Rate better, come on! We walked until it was dark enough out, and I was having a great time. John was getting teased the fuck out of him by the girls and I just watched at how pathetic he was. Paige and I walked holding hands, this was the best summer … Read more

Taylor the Older Sister

It was the middle of December I had been dating this girl off and on, mostly because I couldn’t stay faithful. It was a Monday night and once again I lied to her and told her I was hanging out with my friend Ryan. I was really going over to my completely gorgeous friend Lisa’s … Read more

How I paid for college

– This is gay fiction. If you don’t like reading about gay stuff, stop reading and don’t vote. If you’re going to downvote or write nasty comments, criticize my grammar and spelling, not subject matter – This is a complete work of fiction. Nothing in this story actually happened and the people are not real. … Read more

Private Party – Sweet Sixteen

Our daughter, Jen, seems to be following in her mother’s foot steps, must be something in the genes. We live in a 4 bedroom ranch style house. When Jen turned 15, a year ago, she wanted her own space. After much debate, we built her a bedroom in the basement, adjacent to the family room. … Read more

Only If You Want

Had the schoolkids of Hazelwood High ever met Phil Love and Olivia Wilde, no one would have guessed that the two would be friends. ‘Incongruent’ didn’t do them justice – whereas Phil was a groomed, well-dressed, preppy fit Student Council President, Olivia was one with the shadows. A baggy hoodie, messy shoulder-length black hair and … Read more

The dare_(0)

My friends had dared me to go to this one house. They said to win the dare I had to stay for at least one hour and the house knew I was coming. I head up to the door and knock. It’s opened by a older man. Baggy cloths somewhat over weight. He sees me … Read more


I guess I start here, at the beginning. So I’ll begin by introducing myself. Hi, my name’s Dan, I’m 14, 6ft tall, which is quite tall for my age. I have long brown hair and brown eyes and a rather trim figure, not ripped or anything, just average, and my cock extends 7 inches when … Read more

Neighbours Part 3

Neighbours Part 3 3.01 Neighbourhood Sex Therapy: 3.02 Consultation: 3.03 Ian meets Aron: 3.04 Ian Enema, Hair Removal, Rectal Preparation: 3.05 Ian loses his virginity: 3.06 Ruth and the Recliner: 3.07 Epilogue: 3.01 Neighbourhood Sex Therapy: John had moved in with Mary and Sara and was leasing his house to a co-worker. They were relaxing … Read more

Innocence Enslaved Chapter 2: What Comes After

Innocence Enslaved part 2: What comes after ***** The two boys couldn’t believe their luck. If Jakes brother hadn’t given them the bottle of whiskey they would have stayed home playing playstation and skipped the party completely. They figured it would be boring simply because of the loser who was hosting it, and if they … Read more

One Night, One Chance

In the fire light she danced as the flame, spinning countlessly into the cold brisk night air. Damien gazed upon her bronze skin and watched her long dark hair flow behind her. He thought of nothing but the rising temptation to rise from his seat and to take her by the hips, tugging her into … Read more

Megan’s Mom

Megan’s Mom I waited till my parents finally left the house. My mom was adjusting my dad’s tie and applying mascara and searching her handbag. I pretended to focus on my homework, I bent over my books and read the assignment again while underlining some of the words in my notebook. They were finally ready … Read more

Suffering From Sanity Ch 2

Chapter Two It had been three weeks since she had seen Greevly. Lolita replayed the restroom scene every night, wondering what happened. The music was consuming her brain, and sometimes she couldn’t even hear the world around her. Lauren, Stacy, Bov, and Danny ate with her every day, and they invited her to spend time … Read more


Visionary Some call me a visionary, others a nerd, but most call me perverted. That’s why I’m in this institution, undergoing mundane group therapies, watching headcases substantiate their titles, and secretly flushing the medicinal concoctions I’m given daily. At first, I was angry; but have learned to become a passive drone, partially in self-preservation, and … Read more


I have a lovely mother and although nearly 70 years old she has quite a figure and the most amazing pair of floppy tits. I know some of you my think this is sick but she really turns me on and I have noticed that I always seem to get an erection when I am … Read more

Birth of the Ringtaker # 1

Don’t ask me where it all came from. I just don’t know. I would tell you if I knew, but I don’t. Maybe I have a wire crossed. Maybe there’s too much or too few of the right kind of hormones being secreted. Maybe it’s just there’s a hole in my character. Whatever it is, … Read more

The Knight and the Acolyte Book 2, Chapter 1: Spidery Passion

Journeyman Mage Faoril – Esh-Esh, The Magery of Thosi “Why are you jerking him off?” Saoria asked as she lounged on her bed in her red robes of a Journeyman Mage, her long, dark-brown hair spilling across one shoulder and the swelling rise of her large tits. I always felt so inadequate around her. My … Read more

Wonder Woman and the Pink Power Ring

Ever since the war of light, Diana hadn’t stopped thinking about her experience with the pink ring. Sure, it gave her immense powers untold and the power of love was intense, but there was another side effect of the ring that Diana had not expected. The pink ring had made her horny beyond belief! She … Read more

After Party

He’d never seen Emily and Zoe this drunk before. He’d gotten to know these girls over the last couple years and although he had heard that they “went hard” he’d never seen it for himself. Helping them to a cab while they were both practically tripping over each other was something new. He’d hoped to … Read more