Fingering my sister

Ever since I can remember I have always sniffed my older sister Julies worn panties, whenever she took a shower or bath I would run into her bedroom and grab the panties she had just taken off. A lot of the time I was really lucky and they would be sticky with her leakage or … Read more


*All a true story* I’ve been out of the closet for as long as my sexual life began which has been 5 years now. Recently, my best friend Meredith came out to me through text while she was dating her boyfriend at the time. An entire summer passed with us being away from each other … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 22

It finally stopped raining around 6 a.m. on a Sunday morning. I sat up to look around. I was in a park just blocks away from Disneyland. I stood up to stretch until my chest decide it had other reasons as to not to. I looked across the way to see a convience store open. … Read more

Sweet Melody

Melody was starting to ask inane questions to random people passing bye “Where has Lydon got to; he said he would only be a moment? Will my plane be waiting for me; I should be there now”? She was still sitting alone on a bench inside the covered walkway where Lydon had left her four … Read more

I found my sister stripping.

A pounding noise reverberates through the room, waking me from pleasant dreams. Opening my eyes, wondering who might be at the door, I realized that the pounding was coming from within my own skull, and I groan. Apparently I wasn’t alone, because my groan was echoed by other voices. In shock, I look around and … Read more

WoW Lust at Sea chapter 1

It had started out as a simple day out at sea. Funny how things can change so quickly. They had only been out a couple of hours before the attack began. The pirate ship seemed to descend upon them like a hawk snatching its prey. The brave Alliance sailors tried their best to repel them, … Read more

Just to Get By II

Sunlight streaming through the window in the bedroom wakes me up. It’s directly on my eyes. Moaning I roll over in my sleeping bag and stuff my head under my pillow. A hand roughly shakes my shoulder and Tyler swipes the pillow from me. “Get up, Natalie! Don’t make me drive you to school again!” … Read more

Clarissa Morgen – Part 1

Clarissa Morgen was on the hunt. Her journalism career has been in a slump for almost 3 months and her editors have been bugging her non-stop to write a groundbreaking story. After a lot of exhausting all-nighters, she found a story that caught her attention. In recent weeks, several houses were broken in within the … Read more

Avenging Angel chapter 4

FANTASIES CONFRONT REALITY I couldn’t bring consistent rational thought to bear on the film excerpts, yet I was obsessed, unable to tear my mind away. Questions echoed in my head. In particular: what would a Part Four portray? What could follow such graphic portrayals of sexual violence and genital mutilation? For days after the Specimen … Read more

Candy From Strangers 1 : Yardwork

Heavens Cove, one late October night late 1990’s Doctor Higgins sat at his desk in his laboratory in his basement, staring in abject anger and disgust at the papers laid out before him. “ 20 years,..20 years of my life because of food colouring, gelatin and a dumbass that couldn’t keep his mouth shut!” He … Read more

Brutal Rejection

She was a stumbling, groggy mess, as the wandered down the stairs. The party was rowdy and crowded, fueled by far too much alcohol. But he had kept his eyes on her all night, watching her down drink after drink. From sober, to tipsy, to completely wasted. No one was going to miss one person, … Read more

rape in afghan4

Kehalis had lain awake for hours after he had set the guard , listening for some sound from the side room into which the Arab had taken the blonde American pilot. But he could hear nothing over the snores of the exhausted men sleeping around him. Nor could he could see anything happening in the … Read more

Niece’s funeral horror

With the service over Candice made her way back to stretch limo the driver looking appropriately respectful his hands crossed, head down. As she neared he opened the door allowing the young woman to climb inside her uncle already waiting. She had turned 16 just 3 days ago; but it was a birthday she would … Read more

The 2300 Gathering (3)

CHAPTER 1: Three Years Later >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It’s been over three years since my Study Abroad program came to an end. I spent six months in England studying and traveling around Europe. I made lifelong friends along the way. I met an extraordinary babe named Gwen Edwards who showed me around. Gwen is a gorgeous British … Read more

Recruiting fresh young meat

Kalin sees an opportunity to add to her stable of underaged whores The buzzer sounded somewhere back in the recesses of the house who’s doorbell Isabel had just pressed and she removed her finger from the plunger. Nervously she ran fingers through her recently re-dyed hair, the wonders of Clairol covering the growing grey strands … Read more