The Capturing Chapter 1

A knock at the door broke Alex’s concentration on his paperwork and he looked up. “Yes?” His personal assistant, Miles, opened the large oak door and stepped into Alex’s office, a white folder stuffed with papers in his hands. “Evening Miles,” Alex said, putting his pen down. “I have all the material you asked for,” … Read more

Wait Until We Are Married (Chapter 6)

(Based on w1dmg’s “Adam” series, with permission from the author.) *********************************************** I had just climbed into bed with my girlfriend Megan and snuggled up against her. She still had on her panties and bra that I’d left her in when I put her too bed. She was still fast asleep, mostly because of the sleeping … Read more

My time with E

“Thank God it’s Friday,” I thought to myself waiting for the last bell to ring signaling the end of a day of pure hell. I swear that high school was invented just to bore the fuck out of me. “It’s good thing that’s going to change tonight.” RIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGG!!!!!!! “About damn time I thought that bell … Read more

Milk of Desire, Book III: Chapter 1 – Setting a new direction.

I woke the next day as if nothing had ever happened. Jen wasn’t rude, but happy as she woke me up for the breakfast Mom was making. Mom had the day off as did we, and we enjoyed a Sunday home as a normal family. It was refreshing to take a break from sneaking and … Read more

Responsible mother ch. 01

Rebecca Palmer was concerned about a couple of boys her son, Danny, has been hanging around with. Being on the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) board at his high school she knows a lot about the reputations of the students, so it concerned her when he hung out with the well-known trouble-makers. Danny is such a … Read more

Cunnilingus lessons

Sean had always been prone to talking a little too much, so when Amanda, his a-little-out-of-his-league crush told him that she wanted him to come over to her place and eat her pussy on Friday, it was a rare moment when he was stunned into silence. “Uh…,” he managed to stumble out, “sure thing umm..- … Read more

The Amazon Rainforest Part-1

The Rainforest Part-1 1.01 Rain Forest Vacation: 1.02 The Amazon village: 1.03 The Clearing and Preparation: 2.01 Allen, Plant, Shemale Preparation: 2.02 Allen, Plant, Breast Growth: 2.03 Allen, Plant, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 2.04 Allen, Plant, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 2.05 Allen, Plant, Rectal Enhancement: 2.06 Allen, Plant, Feminization: 2.07 Allen, Daniel, Shemale Mating: 3.01 Sean, Enhancement … Read more

Wet melodies – Darkening hours

It was a long day. Having your grades worsen and then having a terrible practice as basketball? That was my day. If I didn’t get my grades up by next month, I would be thrown from the team and have my mom brought in again to hassle me about my grades, not that either of … Read more

War Of Love

This story is more of a story then anything eles. It does have a sex scene at the end but if your looking for a story with a whole lot of sex, this is not it. Hope you like it. “…And the gangs are getting worse. More violent then before, houses are being broken into … Read more

SLuT9 pt 18

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN “SLuT Slave” Saturday, December 23rd. Lunchtime. It was lunchtime by the time Dave and Olivia left the bedroom, having completed the first half of their impromptu testing of whether a woman who had been dosed with SLuT9 would secrete Serotoxin, one of the two active ingredients of all the SLuT formulas, and, if … Read more