Clarissa Morgen – Part 2

Tuesday at 7:13 AM 2 Hours Before: Maurice yawned in exhaustion as he and his brother are facing their 27-inch monitor. Every night he and his brother would break into the houses of the individuals whose names are in the list of Mr. Russel’s galleon painting buyers to procure the different pieces of the map … Read more

Phoenix ch 08

“Wow! This isn’t a Ranger Station,” Tanya said with some awe in her voice. “This is a god-damn mansion!” “Well,” the ranger said, “the original owner was a movie mogul who had it built some fifty years ago. The last owner had it donated to the Forestry Service upon his death. I was lucky enough … Read more

A Wife Shared and Taken – Chapter One

This whole nightmare started with an online forum where people share erotic stories and fantasies. I had found a group of men who were posting stories and ideas about how to convince their wives to fuck other men. For weeks, I had been reading fantasies and exchanging depraved ideas with others. We all got off … Read more

Terry’s Party Trick

He bolted upright, heart pounding. Not sure what woke him up, but he knew he was very wake and that it was very dark, and very quiet around the house. It excited him. His breath shuddering with excitement, he started to make his way off the sofa and up the stairs toward the bedrooms. He … Read more

Dreaming With the Girls_(1)

Dreaming With the Girls It had been fun hanging out awhile. The afternoon had passed quickly. The sun had been very nice. “Well, I’ve got to get going. My parents have some big thing planned,” Cheryl Rubens told her best friend Marga Antolie as they lounged on the balcony of Marga’ hotel room in bathing … Read more

New Jock Tales–Freshman Year–Chptr 8–Homecomming–PT 2

New Jock Tales—Freshman Year—Chapter 8–Homecoming PT 2 “May I have your attention please—all members of the freshman football team are to report to cosmetology following the final bell”. Four hours to kick off. As the team gathered in the ‘hair club’ I explained to them the orders we had been given to get hair cuts. … Read more

Morning Bells (Part Six)

We went out to the quad, Brooke had her arm around me as we plopped down on the couches. “That was a lot of fun! That’s like the best art teacher I’ve ever had she’s so cute and energetic.” Brooke said. “Yeah that was pretty awesome, I had her last year too it’s a perfect … Read more

Dear Penthouse

I feel as though this letter should start out “Dear Penthouse” and anyone reading this will think it’s just another fictional story made up by someone’s sexual driven imagination… but not today. First off, let me tell you a little about my wife. Before we dated I was the only one she ever had sex … Read more


Prologue The conversation was carried on in a language few people would have been able to understand, let alone speak. Translated into colloquial American English, it might have sounded something like this: “But it is possible? Originally you said it could not be accomplished at all.” “Possible, yes. Feasible — who knows? It is a … Read more

True Maniac

My name is Jerry. I’m not sure if I am a normal person but I have these twisted fantasies about rape and causing great pain to female victims whether they are old as dirt, or even very young. I’ll begin by telling the story of a very vicious sexual encounter I had with Samantha, a … Read more

Morning Bells (Part Seven: Big Bang)

Oh my God! I could barely believe what I just saw. I’m not going to lie because it was super-hot and next thing I knew I was jacking off to a cold shower. After I came and my mind cleared I thought about it and I was to say at the least torn; as much … Read more

A Game of Basketball

Walking into school for the first time since summer started, well… that’s not true. I’ve been here several times to play basketball in the gym over the summer. Walking into school for the first time “as a student” after a long summer break it… It feels good to be back. I’ve got my backpack slung … Read more

A Wicked Addiction

For a long time he stared into the mirror in silence. He could remember last night well, the claw marks across his chest would not let him forget. He walked back into the hotel room and gazed upon the beauty that lay in the bed still asleep. His gaze moved from the woman laying in … Read more

someone to listen

Alyssa was 13 years old when she met Nate, being in a new school in a bigger city it was intimidating. school was big people stared alot, but she stood proud back at them. her mom died young after having her and her father taught her to be proud she made it without a mom. … Read more


He looked down at his unconscious captive, allowing a smile to draw up one corner of his mouth. Everything had played right into his hands. Commander Mira Garrett, a highly respected operative of the Fleet’s intelligence agency, was supposed to be in deep cover aboard his ship, seeking out the person supplying their enemies with … Read more