SaM’s Place – Chapter 13 of 15 Spring Break

Another jurywoman stood. “For your ninth story, Evelyn, tell us of an experience where you ended up in trouble with the law for what you had done. Evelyn laughed. “That takes me back to my college days again. I hope you don’t think that I am pre-occupied with reliving my college days of glory, but … Read more

Sisters in Slavery The Honeymoon

The Honeymoon – – Author’s note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age. Also this story features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories or are one … Read more

Betting the wife Part II

Part 2 Right then footsteps could be heard on the stairs and I saw some dozen rough looking guys , probably interstate truckers with tattooed muscular arms troop in , all were holding yellow stubs which I later realised were something like entry tickets for the show, I could hear the bar tender call out … Read more

Now What 2

Now What 2 Sandi and Jim ate dinner as usual, she wiggled in her chair a bit as her stinging butt cheeks were very uncomfortable. As they finished dinner her cell phone dinged, a text message. It was from Matt, better give hubbie a heads up we may be over Saturday or Sunday. The thought … Read more

Subjects 0 – CH 4

————————————————————————————- STATUS REPORT: Further research into Diane’s family shows that she has a daughter and a son, both of consenting age. Diane looks surprisingly young to have kids this old. I am recommending her family as further test subjects. END STATUS REPORT. ————————————————————————————- Adam cursed silently as he left his English class. Miss Shelly had … Read more

Teaching High School Girls Part 1

Jeff Ayers was a high school English teacher, and a good one. He always had students with good grades, because he was good at making them care about studying. Of course there was always a group that was the exception, and this year was no different. It was a group of three girls this semester, … Read more

The party I get stone drunk at…

“Shut the fuck up mum!” I screamed down the hallway. Just an average Sunday afternoon. Ahhhhh. Of course, my mother and I have never been close. Never even been close to close, as far as I can remember. My dad died in a car accident a year and a half ago, and my mum’s temper has … Read more

Linda’s Demise

Linda slumped back on the bed, one big tit slipping out of her black bra as her head hit the pillows. She leaned back heavily, as I watched her body going limp from the door of the bathroom. “I’m really fucked up….” she slurred. The drink I had fixed her was doing the job, she … Read more

What do I have to do to get a part?

I would like to thank The Englishman for the subject matter that helps hold this erotic theater experience together. And now for our story . . . Students are trying out for parts in a middle school version of A Midsummer Nights Dream. What they don’t know is that the director has already narrowed it … Read more

Van Trip 2

We’re still travelling in the van, Gemma’s smoking another spliff. “Right, I’ve thought about what you have to do for me.” she says. “So what is it?”. “You have to be my submissive for the weekend”. “Ha ha…you sound like Madam Whiplash”. “Well I don’t have a whip, but you have to obey me. Anything … Read more

Leeza The Teaser

Leeza The Teaser Get’s Her Cum-Uppance! She thought she was sooo smart, dressing in skimpy clothes, dancing in bars and pubs, teasing all the guys, accepting their drinks then leaving them with their tongues hanging out. Tomorrow night, a different bar, same routine. She got off on it – playing the sexy princess, desired but … Read more