The Perfect Victim_(0)

A shorter story, and much different than my usual texts. If you like the tags, I hope you enjoy it. Jessica always loved the idea of a small town. Growing up in LA, she learned quickly that she wasn’t the big city type at all. As soon as she was of legal age, she moved … Read more


Nelson was working out in the back yard, with his best friend when he started to hear yelling. He got up while his friend cody continued to workout. Nelson slowly made his way to the wooden fence when he suddenly heard his friend gabby yelling. She was screaming yelling like someone was hurting her . … Read more

Two Boys, One Girl, Alone

We had just gotten home after a graduation party excited for what lay ahead. Me and my friend Vick had been planning the night for quite some time and were waiting for my parents to go to sleep. Vick was an average guy,14 y/o , a little heavy, dark brown hair that went down to … Read more

Alternative Trio Pt. 2 (The New Practice Space)

During that Summer we continued to rehearse as a band often, nearly every day. There were times when we had very serious practices, and others when the girls and I just had sex and didn’t touch an instrument. But we still took our music very serious. It was like the sex was the icing on … Read more

Crazy Ex_(1)

     I spent six years in a chaotic relationship because of my two beautiful children. It started off great but she became crazier as the years progressed. Logical thinking went out the window and my life became a nightmare. The saying “Stay together for the kids” would always echo through my mind when I wanted … Read more

The House of Hell

“I don’t know, it’s just so boring, Jess.” complained Brooke. Jess sighed and shook her head. Brooke was a beautiful girl. She was tall, around 5’10” with thick black curls that cascaded down her back. Her mellow brown eyes always seemed unsure. Her breasts were average, about 32 C’s. Her ass was perfect though, heart … Read more

The Janitor (Chapter 2)

The Janitor Chapter two. It hadn’t been a typical Monday at work. A fire alarm had seen the entire university outside, standing in the rain while the fire brigade searched the building in vain for the cause. She and her colleagues got soaked in the drizzle and knew they had the rest of the day … Read more

Sex with a crack whore

I was in Tucson on business, and had done some research on the internet to find out where the street walkers could be found. It was early February, so it was comfortably warm, even at 10pm. As I drove down the street I spotted a tall blond, well proportioned, with big hoop earrings. She was … Read more

lustful sin & closest kin, part 2

One night a few months after catching my mom fucking our neighbor, I was wandering about the neighborhood after dark, smoking weed, and contemplating on the erotic and upsetting scenario I had seen on that fateful evening. I had been planning a highly exciting masturbation session, and I had some condoms, a little plastic bag … Read more

That Night_(0)

I let out a long groan as my contraction ended. My husband rubbed my back encouragingly. In spite of how painful this was, I couldn’t help but wish that this pain wouldn’t end. Most women are excited to have labor be over, and to finally meet the child that they have carried and protected in … Read more

New Roommate 4

It had been a few days since the news of my dads passing and Nate and i fucked. I was feeling worse rather than better and everyone was tip toeing around me like at any moment i was gonna turn into the hulk. all this had to stop. so one morning before i left for … Read more

Summer camping trip pt. 2

This is the second part of my story… Everybody jumped when i told them, so we decided to dial his cell phone. We call but, no answer at first, so we try again. On this try, someone picks up, but not him. I put it on speaker: Man: Who is this? Me: Who is this, … Read more

White Prey

White Prey – A pair of high school girls are kidnaped, turned into sex slaves and junkies then eventually killed by their rapist The party was in full swing when Sherry and Janet arrived. The two high school juniors got out of their cab and walked up the sidewalk. Sherry wasn’t much of a party … Read more

Cum Medicine

Chapter 1 My wife Kellie and her sister Kristin sat in the doctors office waiting for him to return with results for Kristin’s recent blood work. She had been losing weight recently which wouldn’t be a big deal if she wasn’t already so petite. Kellie was worried enough that she had demanded that Kristin see … Read more