Morning Bells (Part Seven: Big Bang)

Oh my God! I could barely believe what I just saw. I’m not going to lie because it was super-hot and next thing I knew I was jacking off to a cold shower. After I came and my mind cleared I thought about it and I was to say at the least torn; as much … Read more

A Game of Basketball

Walking into school for the first time since summer started, well… that’s not true. I’ve been here several times to play basketball in the gym over the summer. Walking into school for the first time “as a student” after a long summer break it… It feels good to be back. I’ve got my backpack slung … Read more

A Wicked Addiction

For a long time he stared into the mirror in silence. He could remember last night well, the claw marks across his chest would not let him forget. He walked back into the hotel room and gazed upon the beauty that lay in the bed still asleep. His gaze moved from the woman laying in … Read more

someone to listen

Alyssa was 13 years old when she met Nate, being in a new school in a bigger city it was intimidating. school was big people stared alot, but she stood proud back at them. her mom died young after having her and her father taught her to be proud she made it without a mom. … Read more


He looked down at his unconscious captive, allowing a smile to draw up one corner of his mouth. Everything had played right into his hands. Commander Mira Garrett, a highly respected operative of the Fleet’s intelligence agency, was supposed to be in deep cover aboard his ship, seeking out the person supplying their enemies with … Read more

My Life_(0)

It Was a normal day when i got to school,Football team practicing,People studying,classes going on,people just going on with their normal buisness,now i was a teen in 10th grade in high school,i was 16,black auburn hair,a bit muscley,5.4″ and i was skinny like most teens,i lived with my parents still,but i masturbated mostly in the … Read more

eyes to a new world

(boom*boom*boom) was all I heard at the door and my name being called over and over again (Brian!!! open this fucking door right now) I bet your wondering who would be yelling at someone door kicking and screaming at 4 in the morning well that is my best friend, well i guess you can say … Read more

Ivy tries modelling

Ivy tries modelling Ivy was very nervous as she walked over to the front door of the photo studio. She’d never thought of herself as a model, she wasn’t the slender type of girl, she went to the gym far too often and her body was more of the athletic type. Also wasn’t thirty three … Read more


She’d lived within sight of the family home for all the sixteen summers of her life. There were a few travelling traders and some officials that occasionally came to through their valley, but most of her life it was just her, her father and three older brothers tolling away with this subsistence farming. It was … Read more

Enter Sectian Ch. 5

[ All characters in this story are adults. Pamela’s daughter, Adeline, is 22 years old, as stated in the first chapter. Also the story never depicts actual sex acts with Adeline, only mentions them – entirely ethical for an adult with Downs. ] Adeline’s lactation disappeared over the next few days. Her breasts fit the … Read more

The Perfect Opportunity

If you asked what I was in college for, I would of course answer “Marketing”. However, if you what I did in college, it was mostly partying. This isn’t a new or unique pass time for your average college Junior. It gets old, boring, dull even. Which is why I’ve been spicing up my party … Read more

wanted dead and alive

Jenny and Paul were not drug addicts, in fact their recreational use of them was so small they didn’t even count themselves as users. Let me go back a little. Like many shift workers they met at work got to know each other dated a little and finally moved in together. They are both nurses … Read more

Memories of a Mortician Part 8: Last Bath/Electric Youth

LAST BATH Year: 2011 Name:J.L Age: 23 Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to drowning Other Injuries: Light chemical burns near nose and mouth area caused by chloroform. Torn vagina and hymen from sexual assault. Time between death and delivery to mortician: 14hrs Notes: Pic 1 A young woman has just finished dressing up for her … Read more

Milk of Desire, Book II, Chapter 2 : Jake & Jen went up a hill, but not before I got my fill.

Chapter 2 : Jake & Jen went up a hill, but not before I got my fill. So I woke up, still half dressed, on top of my covers, with dried cum all over my groin. It’s a good thing it was Saturday or Mom might have come in to wake me up and gotten … Read more

Seductive Stoners

Seductive Stoners This is my first story. I got off work promptly at 5 o’clock and texted Liv the second I got out to the parking lot. I quickly typed “hey bud, ima go grab and be home by sixish” on my Blackberry before hopping into my Volvo and heading downtown. A friend of a … Read more

Mouse Trap by

BE ADVISED: Although designed to be appreciated by itself, the following writing will make more sense to readers of the first 2 segments of “Dire Action” trilogy. CONTENT WARNING: This particular writing segment contains perceivable rape, orgasm denial, science-fiction, legal irresponsibility, curse word usage, pharmaceutical usage, and firearm usage. The white mouse yawned as she … Read more