All the time I thought I was being cool. All the time I thought I had set up the perfect plan, when in fact I took her exactly where she wanted to go. Jen was short for Jeanette. She was my niece. As I lay there beside her, I thought back on the plan and … Read more

Milk Slave

Amy trembled in fear and shivered because of the cold air. The air so cold that it made Amy’s lovely pink,round nipples on her F Cup breasts erected. Amy was 22 years old, 5′ 5″ tall and has a lustly looking pairs of breasts. She has a normal area peach-pink areolas, and a set of … Read more

Behind The Castle Doors

As I walk home late, the rain pours down on me in icy sheets that chill me to the bone. The only thing running through my head is why am I so stupid for walking down here. I hear a crash from behind me. I do something more stupid then walking down the alley. I … Read more

Her Stalker (Part 1)

Her Stalker My name is Ian Banks. I’m 25 years old, have blonde, short hair and blue eyes. I’m fairly skinny, but have strong abs and muscles. Most people wouldn’t want to get in a fight with me, I’m very strong and quick on my feet. xxXxx I’m enslaved… completely entranced by her. I want … Read more

Tamina the thick goblin seductress: Corrupting the innocent redhead

**The first part of the story repeats in each chapter in order to introduce Tami** This story is much less of a story and more so of constant fucking. Tamani woke up slowly and comfortably. She smacked her puffy lips together, gazing around to see the sleeping bodies of various creatures and monsters. The air … Read more

Derby, Chapter 3

Derby made sure he was up early the next morning. He suffered through a few minutes of mindless jabbering from his new roommate, before he escaped to the shower. He was proud of himself for having resisted the urge to ram the little nerd’s Star Wars toy light saber, which Martin had apparently bought at … Read more

A home invastion

A home invasion A villa halfway up a mountain, a beautiful view of the ocean, surrounded by trees. It’s white walls shimmering in the twilight, as high above some seagulls soared through the sky. Two people who have never met before are about to meet for the very first time. Within the villa there’s Camilla. … Read more

Convent lust to Alien rescue

The little English convent decided that it was time to do something about all the suffering they were getting reports about. A team of twenty one was carefully selected, put on a ship and sent off to wild Africa. The team consisted of ten old ladies that would be responsible for nursing the sick and … Read more

Monicas new Life

Intro Monika is a 18 years old Jehovah’s Witness. In their religion, sex before marriage is forbidden. Anything that makes you horny is also forbidden. She is a good girl and follows all the rules. On this day she is out and about ringing doorbells to find new followers. For her age she is relatively … Read more

Wife coerced Threesome – PART 2

It was another trip to the big city. Off to Montreal with the wife for a weekend of shopping. We stayed at our usual luxury hotel. We arrived about 3 o’clock she had a spa appointment and I went down to the lounge to have some beers. I bumped into a couple of guys and … Read more

The Kennel Master Part 2

Chapter 4 If Sam had a standard product, 702 and 534 were probably quite close to it and he expected he’d get a reasonable sum for them when they were sold. However, Sam was a businessman and always looking for ways to enhance his product and therefore his profit margin. He constantly sought new approaches, … Read more