Seven Year Itch

I had a nine o clock meeting with a customer four hours drive away, so my boss had let me drive down on the Thursday afternoon and because the meeting could easily run into five or six hours, he said he wasn’t expecting me back on the Friday. I wasn’t away from home much and … Read more

The Organic Belt

My wife is an organic scientist, a damm fine one. She has always made me proud with many groundbreaking discoveries. She was raking the money in since shortly after we married and it was a no brainer for me to take to the house dad role. I raised the kids, pursued my hobbies, we traveled, … Read more

Jenny and Uncle Jerry – ch. 5 / 5

It was the morning of my birthday, and my last two had been very disturbing. I nervously wondered what strange new things I would need to do for Uncle Jerry today. My Mom gave me the bad news at breakfast. “Jessi, sweetie, Uncle Jerry wants to see you smoke while you play with yourself.” She … Read more

Angel: Destroyed

Part 3 The next day, I awoke inside a large cage we kept in the basement for Beefy. It was tall, rising to the ceiling, but I was handcuffed low near the ground. The ball gag was gone, but replaced with the cloth bandanna over my mouth. My jaw ached from the ball gag. I … Read more

The Chiefs Daughter

Sitting around the camp fire with friends was how I spent a majority of my time these days. Drinking, smoking weed and socializing with people who understood duty, sacrifice and service. Some who visited the camp were former military, others fire or medical services. Chief was one of those iconic men who every one cherished … Read more

Happy Birthday Nerd

Nirmala stood at the coffee shop counter reading her favorite computer magazine and waiting for her shift to end. She worked until noon every Saturday even today – her 19th birthday! No one had even said Happy Birthday! Not her dad, not her mother. Her parents wouldn’t even let her have a party. Her friends … Read more

Double Dorm Invasion

Double Dorm Invasion I fidgeted with my sleeve as I watched my friend pick the lock of student housing block C. He was squatting in front of the door, playing around with two tiny hooks, his dark hair shining in the moonlight. I though I heard something rustling behind me and quickly I turned around. … Read more

Gabriella Part Five – The Sleepover

Gabriella texted her parents she was sleeping over at her friends house. Dave grabbed her phone and threw it in the corner. He immediately entered her vagina while she laid on her belly on his bed. Gabriella offered no resistance. “Love our little anniversary.” Dave wisphered in her ear. “ I am not feeling so … Read more

Danny’s secret desires part 2

The excitement builds in Danny’s chest as they arrange to meet at Lancer’s house, it’s not far from Danny’s home. The days leading up to Saturday crawl by like hours stretched to infinity. Danny can’t focus on anything but the impending rendezvous with his former teacher. He’s torn between the thrill of the unknown and … Read more

Mom Regrets Me *-* I Fuck Her

*I enjoy writing just as much as I do reading. So I will propose this… If any of you enjoy this certain story and would wish me to write another one, then write me a story for me to read. And then I will write another one. The story you write doesn’t need to be … Read more

Surprise dose for Amy

When I met Amy for the first time it was years ago at the American Legion. My friend Albert brought me to meet her and introduced us. She was wearing a plain school girl skirt and long black fuck me boots. She had on a tight sweater that really showed off her very generous tits. … Read more

Keio – The Green pills (1)

“Get your body toned! Get in shape! Become the girl of everyones dreams!” The commercial message had been hammering down hard on Keio’s mind now for months. She saw the ad several times a day – on FB, via mails in her apps… She had always, at least since her school-years (which weren’t that long … Read more


The dead-eyed lanky kid let me into the run-down old house at the edge of Tiger Village. It was the student ghetto for the local university. The house itself was probably once really nice. Now, it had been partitioned into a bunch of littler units. Dead Eyes, with his pale skin and his nose ring, … Read more

Amy’s Bad Trip

Amy sprinted hard the last 200 meters as she rounded the corner of the street, heading towards the driveway of her house in the distance. Her breathing was rapid and deep, with steady beads of sweat dripping down her forehead and stopping briefly at the edge of her eyebrows before falling to the hot pavement … Read more